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Reset root password on MK 2


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I am trying to reset the root password on my MK 2

But when I try to do the factory reset method that gets linked in most thread like this, the LED will flash red and blue for maybe half a second then solid red for a second then green and boots like normal without the PW resetting 

I don't know what I'm doing wrong or what I did to have this not work 

Can this be fixed for am I just out of luck 

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I will plug it to my computer and take it out after the green light goes off

I will repeat this 3 more leaving it in on the 4th 

I will watch it flash red and blue for half a second then seeing it boot like normal

I can also send a video of me doing it if needed  

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry pasted that last comment in the wrong thread. Back to the bunny issue, the reset procedure just does not work no matter what I do. I can access the bunny using the root account, so I can run a soft reset If know the script to run. The plug/unplug process does not work. It just ends up booting up normal. I tried plugging in to both a PC and even just power USB socket.

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The notes below are taken (and somewhat modified) from a recent Discord chat. Credits to Foxtrot for the instructions.

Connect the Bunny in arming mode to a computer

Open a serial connection to the Bunny from the computer

Make sure that the Bunny is mounted on the computer (i.e. that it can be seen and accessed as a storage device)

In the serial session, do the following:
cd /
mkdir /g
mount /dev/nandg /g
ls -la /g/root

There are a small amount of devices that can't be reset because the factory that manufactured them forgot a file. But that was a very small batch of devices. If the recovery file is missing then the device was in that batch. The recovery file should be a "ch_fw_x.x.xxx.tar.gz" file (with the x'es representing a version number), if it's missing when running ls -la above, proceed as per below.

Download a firmware file to some place that is NOT the Bunny storage (for example the local storage of the machine to which the Bunny is connected).
Depending on the OS of the machine that is used, the download can be made in different ways, for example (if using something Linux based):
wget https://downloads.hak5.org/api/devices/bashbunny/firmwares/1.7-stable
or just visit the Hak5 downloads site and download it from there

If needed, rename the file to its original name that can be seen in the output of the wget command as the file is downloaded, for example; ch_fw_1.7_332.tar.gz

Verify the downloaded file against the SHA256 sum available on the Bunny download page

Once it's downloaded, copy/move it to the mounted Bunny (the udisk), do NOT copy it to the "internal" file system of the Bunny

Switch back to the Bunny serial session again and run

udisk mount
mv /root/udisk/ch_fw_1.7_332.tar.gz /g/root/
ls -la /g/root/   (not mandatory)
cd /
umount /g
cd /g
ls -la
(make sure that /g is empty = unmounted)
cd /
rmdir /g
udisk unmount

Reboot the Bunny

Once it's finished booting, you can follow the firmware reset procedure

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