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Pandora won't download! [Fix]


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Since there still are people that say "My grab button doesn't work! :evil:"

I tought it would be better if we placed the fix in one main topic, so no one has to search that much.

If your grab button doesn't work, or your cruise control, here's the fix by MrMath:

Those sneaky guys over at Pandora.

Here's the fix:

0) Make a backup copy of pandoraGrabber.js in the pandorajs folder.

1) Open pandoraGrabber.js in your favorite editor. Note that Windows users may need to use WordPad instead of Notepad

2) Replace every instance of "downloadMP3" with "pandorasJarDownloadMP3"

3) Replace every instance of "downloadMP3Response" with "pandorasJarDownloadMP3Response"

4) Save the new file

Start pandora over again.

A better idea would be to replace the name of the function with something random. This way they can't do it again. For example, replace "downloadMP3" with "IloveToDownalodMP3s" or replace "downloadMP3Response" with "fxzqrste".

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Try cruise control.

But then I can't get the song after I decide whether or not I like it! At least, if I start with cruise control off, find a song I like, and turn cruise control to on, then it waits until the next song to rip! What are my options now?

Keep using cruise control, and delete the songs you don't like :p.

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If you want the manual mode to work, you also have to edit (with Notepad) the pandoraGrabber.html file with the same modifications as mentionned above. It took me some time to figure that out... I noticed that you have to wait for the second song to be downloaded (in the Temp folder) before the Jar can grab, after that, it runs smoothly...


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These are based on other posts in this forum. I have simply compiled what I did to get it working.

I did as Birra posted above and edited the pandoraGrabber.js file and the pandoraGrabber.html file.

I was still getting the FlashPlayer upgrade warning so I did the following: (quoted from http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t...ht=greasemonkey

Step 1: get flashswitcher to allow you to run flash 8: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/3649/

Step 2: go to http://greasemonkey.mozdev.org/ or https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/748/ and install the extension

Step 3: restart firefox then click on this link and install the script


this will fix the flash problem and allow you to use flash 8 with pandora.

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2) Replace every instance of "downloadMP3" with "pandorasJarDownloadMP3"

3) Replace every instance of "downloadMP3Response" with "pandorasJarDownloadMP3Response"

Thanks to Birra and Scheugel my grab button and cruise control is working again!

just make sure you type everything right, because the changes in the .js and .html files are case sensitive!

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  • 2 weeks later...
very instance of "downloadMP3" with "pandorasJarDownloadMP3"

3) Replace every instance of "downloadMP3Response" with "pandorasJarDownloadMP3Response"

4) Save the new file

Thanks for helping with this great fix! I am back!

Thanks so much!


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

well, after all changes made it seems that it works fine, but I found some warning from Pandora's Jar as:

unable add track to last.fm: Unable to authenticate to last.fm

Then in the Track Info I find these messages:

nable add track to last.fm: Unable to authenticate to last.fm

unable to retrieve top fans from last.fm: top friends not found

Am I wrong with anything or what?


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  • 1 month later...

I have basically been working on this all day, and have yet to get it fixed.  Here's my setup:

1.  Pandora's Jar 7. 3. 1 (from the noobie thread)

2.  Uninstalled Flash, reinstalled v8

3.  Newest JDK/JRE from Sun Microsystems

4.  Replaced 2 instances of of downloadmp3 and 2 instances of downloadmp3response in the pandoragrabber. js file in the JS folder

5.  Replaced 3 instances of pandorasjarmp3response in the pandoragrabber. html file, found 0 instances of downloadmp3 or downloadmp3response

6.  Installed Grease monkey and the script

7.  Newest firefox

Here's what happens.  I open the . bat file and it loads pandora's jar, gives me the little "flash player update" window then starts working.  Pandora functions 100% just fine, but the window underneath it is where the problem lies.  The artist info/other box just stay grey constantly, and whenever I click "Grab This Track" it says "unable to find artist and song info" underneath it.  Cruise control doesn't work either.

What am I doing wrong?

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As far as artist info and such you need a last. fm account to retrieve the info from.  Its free to sign up there then in PJ just plugin your username  and pass and save.  The batch file I DL had some syntax errors I had to fix to make it work right. 

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  • 1 month later...

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