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Continuous Deauth


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On 11/17/2020 at 2:15 PM, Just_a_User said:

Just because it does not say deauth, does not mean it does not deauth.

Why be like this? This is a help forum. This person took the time to post to ask a question to get help. Instead of being vague and not answering the question, perhaps help the person in the forum dedicated to those seeking help and asking questions.

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8 hours ago, Chicago said:

Why be like this? This is a help forum. This person took the time to post to ask a question to get help. Instead of being vague and not answering the question, perhaps help the person in the forum dedicated to those seeking help and asking questions.

Hi, I appreciate the feedback. I was helping the person by letting them know they needed to investigate the modules further, especially as they had gotten themselves so close to the answer. What they were asking for was already in there possession. So just a little more reading and they would understand there question was mute.

Give a man a phish and he hacks for a day, teach him how to phish and he hacks forever

EDIT - also, nothing much good (or legal) comes from a continuous deauth.

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