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Yonk 1st topic!


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I have been procrastinating on getting this setup for a while. It was fine for the first 5 episodes being that they were mostly purely instructional setup. But now we are diving deep into the educational aspect that encourages a lot of exploration and collaboration. Let's see how it goes! I'll be adapting future episodes around what I see here. 

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On 5/26/2020 at 9:50 PM, GiraffeDaddy said:

How often can we expect to see new videos to come out?

I don't have any hard commitments there. I am personally trying to go for roughly once a month. The last few months have been very volatile for obvious reasons. 

Good news though, you are about to have a whole bunch of new collaborators that will hopefully bring some extra ideas. These kinds of kits are always much better with a group of people, in my opinion. 





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On 7/25/2020 at 8:39 PM, Hafnerna said:

Having issues getting the programmer to work with edu kit. I got the kit through hackerboxes. I built the programmer with the push pins and it's not working. Not sure how I can trouble shoot this.

Can you be more specific about the problems you are encountering?

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Things to check would be the solder job on the jig, ensuring there aren't any shorts/bridges. There are 2 pins that are kind of easy to bridge(at least in my case) but also easy to fix(just wipe it away with the iron). Also, and this may sound stupid, but make sure you've got the programmer plugged into the header pins on the jig in the correct orientation, matching the markings on the board and cable.

Did you try the other demonseed board in the kit? Does it also fail? What error(s) are you getting when running avrdude?

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