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Serious help needed


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recently got the signal owl and wanted to test it out by using the garbage SSID spammer however it wont work. I've tried to diagnose it however due to the command: airmon-ng start wlan0   

crashing out my SSH connection completely and using airmon-ng --debug/verbose start wlan0 > test.txt   prints out 10000s of "invalid input. yes or no (y/n?)" and when i try boot it after finishing mounting the USB (FAT32) the LED just turns off for some reason? i have no idea how to fix/diagnose and need some help

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On 12/22/2019 at 7:19 PM, peel1 said:

recently got the signal owl and wanted to test it out by using the garbage SSID spammer however it wont work. I've tried to diagnose it however due to the command: airmon-ng start wlan0   

crashing out my SSH connection completely and using airmon-ng --debug/verbose start wlan0 > test.txt   prints out 10000s of "invalid input. yes or no (y/n?)" and when i try boot it after finishing mounting the USB (FAT32) the LED just turns off for some reason? i have no idea how to fix/diagnose and need some help

https://pastebin.com/jtvwWw3f    - dmesg output


https://pastebin.com/DaV15sbk    -logread output


hope this helps debug the issue for anyone


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  • 4 months later...

FAT-fs (sda1): Volume was not properly unmounted. Some data may be corrupt. Please run fsck.

The flash drive was not ejected properly. Load the flash drive directly into a computer and repair the file system. In the future, make sure you tell the computer to eject the drive before you physically pull it out of your system.

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the command: airmon-ng start wlan0   

crashing out my SSH connection completely

In order to stay connected to your network, the Signal Owl needs wlan0 to stay in client mode, however, running airmon-ng switches it to monitor mode. Monitor mode causes the wireless radio to go into a passive scanning mode. The wlan0 radio can’t be in both client and monitor mode at the same time. This is why your ssh connection drops. Either connect a second WiFi Adapter to the Owl, and use it for your network/Internet connection, or write/change your payload script to run airmon -ng at boot up and log the results to the flash drive.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm running into the same problem, i mean forget about the ssh stuff I'm waiting until my USB WiFi card arrives to ssh while running a payload. But i keep getting "Found phy0 with no interfaces assigned, would you like to assign one to it? [y/n] " and about a half million "invalid input" as if i mashed on the keyboard. clearly the answer to program a way to say "y" in my script but i don't understand how to do that, anyone know?

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