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My site looks different in IE6 IE7 And Firefox!


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With a whole bunch of hacks. Those three browsers all render differently and you have to pick out what's actually wrong with the site on a given browser then find a workaround.

So for example, if something's 80 pixels too far right in IE7 but correct in Firefox, you've got to add an IE7 only script to move that back by 80px. It all depends on the problems and in which browsers they need to be fixed.

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that's true they all differ, i faced that too before.

but for IE6 and FireFox u can simply make a big table that contains all other stuff u want so that it becomes as a container with 100% width so so however the user changes the sizes of the screen (e.g opening the favorites panel in the left) the content keeps its positions cause it's relatively not fixed.

for IE7 every forum said like moonlight that u must make a script for IE7 only

but for me it yet works gr888 on IE7 the same way i told ya.

try www.fci-2004.com/psycho

it works under them all the same way.

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Cross Browser compatibility is very much a dark art that arises from each browser manufacturer interpreting the standards differently. A great place to start is Position is Everything. They have a very comprehensive list of all bugs in all browsers (mostly IE, but you probably expected that). This is such a big problem, people have exploited it to create very different designs in different browsers. Take a look at this page in IE6 and then in IE7 or Firefox.

You can usually get css based layouts to work if you know what to avoid. Even with psychokiller solution you can still run into problems.

The quickest, dirtiest, way is to make your layout work flawlessly in Firefox and Opera, as they are the most standards compliant, then use conditional comments to create specific versions for the various versions of IE.

And lastly if need to run multiple versions of IE, you should check out this and this. That should be everything you need to start your journey, minus a few bags of jerkey. ;)

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