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Explicit Specifications


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Hi guys

I'm fairly new to antenna theory, and yes, I have watched the Hak5 YouTube videos and done a MOOC course on antenna theory. 

I would just like to ask the developers whether the 5dBi antennas are 5dBi each or 5dBi total. 

If they are 5dBi each, that means that the radio transmission power (SoC plus amplifiers) is a meagre 9dBm. If, on the other hand, all four are 5dBi together, the radio transmission power is 24dBm (250mW) which seems much more realistic. This also happens to be the example presented on page 22-23 of the Hak5 Pineapple Field Guide.

Could you please provide me with the pre-amplification tx-power, the post amplification power and the specs of the individual antennas? 

Thank you in advance!

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11 hours ago, d1550n4nc3 said:

Could you please provide me with the pre-amplification tx-power, the post amplification power and the specs of the individual antennas? 

I was under the impression that the tetra put out 30dbm tx power (as per iwconfig reports) after each of the 4x amps with an almost direct (lossless) connection to each 5dbi antenna. That would make EIRP around  35dbm (3.2W) scraping in just under the FCC max EIRP of 36dbm (4W) IIRC.

BUT I do see the Wi-Fi pineapple tetra literature stating EIRP = 29dbm (800mW) which would make the dbm output after amps around 24dbm based on direct connection of 5dbi antenna to amp.

I wonder if the literature or the iwconfig is more correct for the tetra. Or possibly we are missing something in our estimations?

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Thank you very much for the response. I have since come to learn that things get quite a bit more complex with MIMO systems. One cannot simply use the bog standard EIRP calculation. 

I live in a country where there are literally no laws regarding hacking and I would be amazed if anyone even picked up a 56dBi signal, for example. I don't have any regulatory hassles. 

I would like to know the exact specs of my device though. I just don't like working with things I don't fully understand. I will need to read up a great deal more on MIMO I now realise.

Just a note on units of measure - EIRP is expressed in dBi  🙂

If you set your unit up stating that you are in a location other than the US, the power may have been increased to the maximum allowed in that area, perhaps?

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