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I want to root my android device for duckhunter on kali linux

and android studio.  Must I turn my operating system into Remix OS

if i Want a great ex[erience with this.  Please get back to me.  I also 

would like to use root browser is it a good idea to switch from windows

10 to remix os .



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I'm confused.

So you want to install Nethunter onto your Android device?

What device is it?

What's your device running on currently (Android version)?

Questions, questions, questions!

Fortunately for you I just recently flashed my Nexus 5 with Nethunter, and it has the Duckhunter HID attacks and all kinds of cool features. Rooting your device is pretty easy, especially if it's a Nexus 5. I used CF Auto Root to get mine rooted, but you may have to find one that suits your device. The next step is installing a recovery. I would recommend TWRP (like 90% of other people in the world with rooted phones) so go ahead and install that, and then follow it's prompts to download the image and flash it (all automated for you).

After the flash, you can copy the Nethunter zip file you downloaded for your device (assuming it's a supported device, otherwise you'll have to either buy one, find a zip someone else has compiled for the device or make your own), reboot into Recovery Mode (this step will be shown to you when you install TWRP), boot into TWRP, select "Install", go to the folder where your Nethunter zip is located and flash it. Then wait for Nethunter to boot and follow the prompts.

Hope this helps!

Edited by Dave-ee Jones
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19 hours ago, black61790 said:

I have windows 10 running oracle virtual box with ubuntu,now I wasnt metasploitable 2 in ubuntu for linux so i may have SQL MAP pre installed

and duckhunter.  Please get back to me .  



So you have a Windows 10 machine that's running a virtual machine which has Ubuntu installed on it. However, you want Metasploit, SQL MAP and Duckhunter installed on your Ubuntu,  as well.

Is that right?

If so, I would just install Kali on a virtual machine. You can either delete the Ubuntu one (don't do this if you've got files on it) or you can create another VM, download a Kali iso and install that on the VM and have a play.

I don't think Duckhunter can be installed on Kali because the PC is the one that takes HID commands, it doesn't give them. Duckhunter is part of Nethunter which is a kernel that can be installed on some mobile devices. Mobile devices can be plugged into computers and then give HID commands out to them to act as a keyboard. So yeah, it might be possible but it won't be very useful, sorry.

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