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So many issues


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So I recently got my lan turtle and I have been attempting to get things setup. I am trying to have all connections through my no-ip address to my raspberry pi for testing purposes. I have however been having a number of issues. 

1) openvpn does not work on boot or with the start option in the gui. Using the openvpn command however does work. As per a previous post I did set the uci openvpn to 1 and uci commit. 

2) auto ssh is set to connect to my ssh port (lets say 4444). Using the turtle port of 22 and opening a port of 2222. When I try ssh root@ it says connection reste by peer. As I write this I am thinking it may be due to ufw on the pi. 

3) sshfs will not connect on boot I have to click the start in the gui. If there are any files in the sshfs file it will not start. 

I am sure as I continue to work with other modules I will have more issues. Thanks in advance for the help. 

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1 hour ago, Rainman_34 said:

2) auto ssh is set to connect to my ssh port (lets say 4444). Using the turtle port of 22 and opening a port of 2222. When I try ssh root@ it says connection reste by peer. As I write this I am thinking it may be due to ufw on the pi. 

I tested this and UFW is not the issue. I get the same result with ufw disabled

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So I have recently acquired the Lan Turtle 3G and I am not sure if this is a common problem with the lan turtle as a whole or some oddity with the 3G version.  First off SSHFS and OPENVPN will not start on boot.  I was able to fix this by creating a script that sleeps on startup and then runs the necessary commands to run these two features.  Is this a common issue or how do I fix this so I don't have to use a cron job to fix it? The next issue may be with my OPENVPN server.conf file but when I connect the turtle to the openvpn server and I go to module manager it says there are no modules available but when I am not connected to my vpn server it shows modules.  

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