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0 Clients Connected to my Tetra


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Read your message closely and see what information about your situation you're divulging:

  • Clients don't connect to your tetra
  • No word on what these clients are (iphone, android, chromebook, windows laptop, linux laptop, macbook, wifi extender)
  • No word on what, if anything, you did to get them to connect
  • In fact, you may not have even managed to connect it yourself yet, while knowing the specific SSID and the password
  • Worse, the damned thing could, for all we know, have been powered off. Your description doesn't even clarify this either way.
  • You followed "all" the vids. Be SPECIFIC. There's a *LOT* of videos on youtube and I'm not going to watch them all hoping to hit the same ones you did.
  • You now being frustrated only means you took too long trying to work it out before asking for help. The only cause for that is that person you see in the mirror.

I would suggest 2 things.

  1. Ask your question in the Tetra-specific section of this forum, here: https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/forum/91-wifi-pineapple-tetra/
  2. Ask an actual, actionable question and provide LOTS AND LOTS of DETAIL. If the info you provide is vague, your answers are going to be vague.

So say, in disgusting detail, what you did, what you expected and what you noticed instead. That's the best way to get a useful, helpful response.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Cooper... I took you advice and put together a detailed PDF (link to it below).

Okay ... still having the issues of none of my clients connecting. I can "see" them from the RECON screen and can even deauth them ... but then ever connect to my Pineapple AP.

I'd love your thoughts ...




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