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mini android/pandora sports device...


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This device I found on Amazon CECTDIGI android ultra-thin mobile phone @175$

I hope to get some ideas for a mini battery powered android device I could make into a sports music Pandora player. I skateboard every year and hope to find a extremely small device that will sit in my pocket unnoticeable...

small as possible.

Battery power, a few hours.


Wifi 2.4ghz.

Headphone jack.

with some start up scripts, I can make do with out a touch screen, But would be... if it was wifi enabled I can place my phoone in my car with a hotspot enabled...

I was thinking about android watches? But have not looked much into these...

Any hacky ideas?

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Amazon should show something other than a render pic. I'm fairly incredulous about the dimensions, about the screen resolution and about the idea/suggestion that this device has a touch-screen.

But tell me, do you like wearing a beanie?

Something that could be a starting point for your search might also be this Sonos device.

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