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Post Android Pineapple Connect app on fdroid?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, please. Who really downloads anything via G Play Store if he can avoid it?

As for the inability to download via evozi, I don't think it has anything to do with the absence of flash from your system. If you're like me, you've simply plugged too many privacy and security holes in your browser to make the page work. :)

Either fix that (can we call that a fix, really?) or look for a different site for sideloading apks from Gplay, there are a couple of those out there, one of them should work.

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I've never uploaded to Fdroid, but I pulled the apk from a backup of my phone and I can post it here. This version is up date date as of today (1/5/16)



CRC-32: a7dbc846

MD4: 38eb7e5c32aaaf87b20ec69ced121e8a
MD5: ec66dfbbba676a5ed64ae3a6dfcdbf23
SHA-1: 6e56c727e3c205c4593f9d5d09bcddf07381c776
I don't know if it matters but this was taken from a backup of a Samsung Galaxy S4, Lollipop. (Never messed with apks much, I'm not sure if the apks change per device version.)
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