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Pineapple Slices and Custom Housing


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Whats happening about the "Pineapple Slices" for hardware expansion? I haven't heard much about it... Could we use the GPIO pins to make robots or something? What's happening about this feature?

I was thinking about making a custom case for the MKV (because why not?) but is there any form of schematics that I could work by? Did Darren mention that he was going to release some sort of blue prints so we could 3D print our own cases for it?


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Admittedly, it does cover housing.

There is also a getting started page on the wiki.

That should have been "doesn't". D'oh. In the forums as well is another post that someone had a look on the expansion port.

There is also the Mk5 teardown by Pentura Labs as well. The gpio pins are labelled on the board.

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And here is the link: https://penturalabs.wordpress.com/2013/10/27/naked-wifi-pineapple-mark-v/

Would have posted before but pasting on my android phone seems to be an issue.

How were you thinking of making your case for your slice?

I haven't thought about making a case for slices, yet. At the moment, I'm interested in seeing how the expansion port works. If I was to design a slice case, it would probably cover the whole top of the pineapple and clip onto thw sides, giving a stable connection and lots of space inside, to expand :)

As for a custom MKV housing, thinking of either making it white or made out of some sort of metal. Perhaps illuminum? Not entirely sure, at the moment. Something like this, made for the mkv, would be pretty nice: http://thepihut.com/collections/raspberry-pi-cases/products/pibow-ninja-rpi-b

A transparent case and adding some copper heat sinks to the cpu and a few other chips, would look pretty cool if you ask me.

:) I haven't made a case before so I'll see how it goes. I'm surprised no one else is designing cases and making a few ££ from them.

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There are cases for the pineapple in the hakshop (https://hakshop.myshopify.com/collections/wifi-pineapple-kits/products/ominous-box-for-wifi-pineapple). But, they haven't been built specifically for an expanded pineapple.

You have to remember, that cases tend to be specific for application, so that's probably why you haven't seen much. Having said that, don't let it put you off and have a go. I for one would be interested in the results. I may even buy one!

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There are cases for the pineapple in the hakshop (https://hakshop.myshopify.com/collections/wifi-pineapple-kits/products/ominous-box-for-wifi-pineapple). But, they haven't been built specifically for an expanded pineapple.

You have to remember, that cases tend to be specific for application, so that's probably why you haven't seen much. Having said that, don't let it put you off and have a go. I for one would be interested in the results. I may even buy one!

Haha. Thank you! If I manage to make one, I'll be sure to share the results :)

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