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metasploit on Kali v2.0


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Got Kali V2.0 all loaded up and it looks awesome, but once I created my database and user and all that for metasploit I can't seem to get metasploit.service to start. Im getting "not-found" "no such file or directory" about to bash my head in trying to figure this out. There is suprisingly little about this turning up with a google search. Any advice would be awesome.

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They removed support for metasploit pro/commercial, just uses metasploit-framework now

Metasploit Community / Pro no longer ships in Kali

At the request of Rapid7, we have removed the Metasploit Community / Pro package from Kali Linux and now host the open-source metasploit-framework package only. For all of you who require Community or Pro, you will now need to download it from Rapid7 and then register and submit your personal details in order to get a license. In addition, the Rapid7 team no longer maintains the Metasploit package in Kali, which has brought with it some substantial changes – we’ve moved to a “native” setup, where rather than bundling all the required software needed to run Metasploit in one big package, we use native dependencies within Kali to support the metasploit-framework package. This results in a faster, smoother work experience and easier integration with Metasploit dependencies. For more information about this, check out our Metasploit Framework in Kali documentation page.


Starting up Metasploit Framework in Kali Linux 2.0

Due to the above-mentioned changes in the metasploit-framework package, there are some minor changes in how Metasploit is started in Kali – specifically, there is no longer a metasploit service. This is how you start up the Metasploit Framework with database support in Kali Linux 2.0:

# Start the Postgresql Database
/etc/init.d/postgresql start

# Initialize the Metasploit Framework Database
msfdb init

# Run msfconsole
Edited by deadlyhabit
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