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WiFite on Pineapple Mark V


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Working on getting a new infusion online that brings back the Wifite + Site Survey features from the Mark IV I worked on a few years ago. If anyone is using Wifite from the console for now I would recommend using my minor modified version here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/VultureZZ/wifite/master/wifite.py

It has a fix so that clients are now properly detected for de-authing and mac cloning.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Works flawlessly on the Mark V. Using SSH client on cell phone to launch Wifite makes this a great portable solution.

Are you aware of any script for the automation of Wifite, just like one can launch Kismet with no remote control necessary from the user?


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Works flawlessly on the Mark V. Using SSH client on cell phone to launch Wifite makes this a great portable solution.

Are you aware of any script for the automation of Wifite, just like one can launch Kismet with no remote control necessary from the user?


You could always have a DIP configureation for this.

wifite -mac -strip -wlan1 -aircrack -all

-mac changes the mac address

-strip helps cut down the filesize

-wlan1 tells it which interface to use. I usually use wlan2 with aa usb adapter

-aircrack makes it verify that it captured everything correctly

-all tells it which access points to attack. Can be changed to -e ssidname or something.

Also, if you use something like tmux or screen you don't have to worry about not being able to watch it over SSH. I'd recommend tmux.

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Yes, Fallen Archangel, a DIP switch config is what I'm looking for, with WEP keys automatically logged in a txt file, along with the WPA handshakes stored for a hashcat process later.

The parameters you provided puts us on the right track, although with Vulture's mod of Wifite, it would rather look like:

python wifite.py --mac --strip -i wlan1 --all (not sure about --aircrack)

Unfortunately, that command line currently makes the mkv crash as soon as Wifite stops scanning the networks for its attacks; maybe the --all parameter is the culprit. Any ideas? I'll investigate further.

Ʋς ℐℳ Ʋς ♈,,~~

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I am currently using aanarchyys mod, soon to have pixie dust support.

The command I use is

aircrack-ng -mac -strip -aircrack -wlan1 -endless

-endless makes it loop through targets endlessly instead of exiting.

Of course the pixie dust attack currently isnt working on the pineapple, but everything else runs without issue. You can find it here if you want to try it.


You also might want to get a very small dictionary file and supply it to wifite, if it captures any handshakes it will try to crack them. It only has about 40 tries per second, so I only use a 500 line list full of default passwords.

-dict /path/to/file

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Okay, the crashing has definitely to do with the WPS compatibility check up after the scanning. Enabling -wps specifically in aanarchy's mod just triggered the same mk5 crash I get with Vulture's mod. So using -wep and -wpa only, does the trick. Also, since the -i wlan1 parameter doesn't work for me in aanarchyy's mod, and because I want everything to run smooth with DIP switches, I just added some sleep time followed by "1", in order to select the wlan1 interface. In case others experience the same problem, my switches currently look like this:

wifite-ng.py -mac -wep -all -endless; sleep 20; 1; # WEP ATTACKS

wifite-ng.py -mac -aircrack -wpa -pow 25 -endless; sleep 20; 1; # WPA >24dbi ATTACKS


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