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PineApple Mark VI (Mark 6)


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I know this has been asked before, but I am wondering if there are any plans on making a new Pineapple.

I am not sure if there are any release intervals, but would be awesome if they made a new once ever 2-3 years, adding new features to it and son on.

What are you thoughts around this?

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I would hope their are no plans are for a Mark 6 they just released Mark 5 and i don't see how the Mark 6 could be any better :B

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I believe this has been asked before. I think it's safe to say that there are no plans for a new Wifi pineapple release so far.
I don't see the point tbh. Wifi hasn't been updated since WPA2 was introduced, and we are still using 802.11

Unless there is a new SoC with ultra low power consumption, I just don't see it happening the next 3-5 years.

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We are always striving to come up with better, more efficient solutions.

Saying that, the MKV is a device we are very proud of and have lots of plans for. As Mr Protocol said, we have just scratched the surface.

Best regards,


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