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So, I've been reading about something called the SDXC SD cards. Haven't checked out if this format also exists for microSD, but I do read that it seems to be incompatible with SDHC or something like that. Do microSD SDXC cards exist? And if they do, does the Pineapple Mk. V support them? I'm going to buy a 32Gb Class10 microSD for my pineapple, but unsure if there are any incompatibilities due to the mysterious "SDXC" format.

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Thanks! I ended up buying an SDHC and as L0G1C says, the SDXC flavors are only available from 64GB and up, so the basic MKV specs hint me on SDHC anyway. Now I get fast I/O and more than enough storage for logs:

Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
rootfs                    3.6M      1.8M      1.8M  50% /
/dev/root                11.5M     11.5M         0 100% /rom
tmpfs                    30.2M      2.5M     27.7M   8% /tmp
tmpfs                   512.0K         0    512.0K   0% /dev
/dev/mtdblock3            3.6M      1.8M      1.8M  50% /overlay
overlayfs:/overlay        3.6M      1.8M      1.8M  50% /
/dev/sdcard/sd1          28.9G    913.7M     26.5G   3% /sd

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