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Lucid Science - Cool Projects - Override Car FM Radio


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Thought I would share this link with you all. Some of you may have came across Lucid Science before, but for those who haven't here is a link. Lots of cool little hacky project on this page to pass the time.

Link: http://lucidscience.com/pro-showall.aspx

P.s. would it be possible to override a cars FM receiver with a powerful transmitter set to the same frequency that cars FM radio is tuned into? i.e. i roll up next to someone, hear that there listing to a certain station turn on my transmitter and, play a bit of Rick Astley through there speakers? rick rollin! haha?

- Anton.

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Woohoo! I know you can buy FM transmitters for phones and stuff that have predefined frequencies so you can tune in you radio the the transmitters frequency. Now legality's aside for a moment, because no doubt doing something like this would go agents some FCC rules/laws or w/e. What kind of output power would you need to over ride? presumably something more powerful than that main station that has the license for the frequency in that area of the country or....? just take a shot in the dark here as i am not all clued up on fm transmissions.

- Anton.

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They transmit at X watt. By the time it arrives at your location that will have gone down a tad I'd imagine so let's call that Y watt which is somewhere between 0 and X. Your transmissionpower needs to exceed Y. Problem with that is, like you say, FCC and its ilk have no intention of letting you do that so if you use a lot of transmission power or stay stationary for a long time (though we are talking, at a minimum, days here) someone's gonna come over and see what's up.

If your target is some music banging idiot that thinks his dick gets bigger as the volume goes up, you have my blessing to do whatever it takes. Problem is, these fuckwits rarely rely on the radio for their tunes...

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