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Karma Association Breaks ICS.


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Good afternoon everyone.

I wanted to bring up a possible bug.

Here's the problem. When I turn on Karma and several devices associate to the pineapple via Karma, the internet no longer becomes available. I have isolated this problem by running the following experiment to see if this is true. Here are the details.

Macbook Pro 8.1 running OSX 10.6.8.
Wifi Pineapple Firmware Ver 1.4.1.

Two android mobile devices.


I fired up the pineapple.

Tethered via Ethernet to my Macbook Pro.

Provide ICS.

Confirm Internet IP through Web-based GUI and also I send continuous echo requests to Google.
Wlan0 is on.

Then I turn on karma.

Here's the Event log.

Aug  2 17:55:37 Pineapple daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[1631]: DHCPACK(br-lan) 78:e8:b6:[Censored]
Aug  2 17:55:37 Pineapple daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[1631]: DHCPREQUEST(br-lan) 78:e8:b6:[Censored]
Aug  2 17:55:37 Pineapple daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[1631]: DHCPOFFER(br-lan) 78:e8:b6:[Censored]
Aug  2 17:55:37 Pineapple daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[1631]: DHCPDISCOVER(br-lan) 78:e8:b6:[Censored]
Aug  2 17:55:33 Pineapple daemon.info hostapd: wlan0: STA 78:e8:b6:[Censored]IEEE 802.11: associated (aid 3)
Aug  2 17:55:33 Pineapple daemon.info hostapd: wlan0: STA 78:e8:b6:[Censored] IEEE 802.11: authenticated
Aug  2 17:55:29 Pineapple daemon.info hostapd: wlan0: STA 78:e8:b6:[Censored] IEEE 802.11: authenticated
Aug  2 17:53:39 Pineapple daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[1631]: DHCPACK(br-lan) 30:85:a9:[Censored]
Aug  2 17:53:39 Pineapple daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[1631]: DHCPREQUEST(br-lan) 30:85:a9:[Censored]
Aug  2 17:53:39 Pineapple daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[1631]: DHCPACK(br-lan) 5c:0a:5b:[Censored]
Aug  2 17:53:39 Pineapple daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[1631]: DHCPREQUEST(br-lan) 5c:0a:5b:[Censored]
Aug  2 17:53:39 Pineapple daemon.info hostapd: wlan0: STA 30:85:a9:[Censored] IEEE 802.11: associated (aid 2)
Aug  2 17:53:39 Pineapple daemon.info hostapd: wlan0: STA 30:85:a9:[Censored] IEEE 802.11: authenticated
Aug  2 17:53:39 Pineapple daemon.info hostapd: wlan0: STA 5c:0a:5b:[Censored] IEEE 802.11: associated (aid 1)
Aug  2 17:53:39 Pineapple daemon.info hostapd: wlan0: STA 5c:0a:5b:[Censored] IEEE 802.11: authenticated
Aug  2 17:53:26 Pineapple auth.info sshd[2105]: Accepted password for root from port 57856 ssh2
Aug  2 17:53:24 Pineapple auth.info sshd[2105]: WARNING: /etc/ssh/moduli does not exist, using fixed modulus
Jan  1 00:00:00 Pineapple user.info sysinit: Wed Jan  1 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Jan  1 00:01:06 Pineapple user.info sysinit: 	serial - Returns your serial number
Jan  1 00:01:06 Pineapple user.info sysinit: 	  [infusion Name] [[args]] - Runs specified infusion with args if given.
Jan  1 00:01:06 Pineapple user.info sysinit: 	  list - Lists all available infusions with a CLI component.
Jan  1 00:01:06 Pineapple user.info sysinit: 	infusion
Jan  1 00:01:06 Pineapple user.info sysinit: 	  amber [on | off] - Turn's the amber LED on or off.
Jan  1 00:01:06 Pineapple user.info sysinit: 	  red   [on | off] - Turn's the red LED on or off.
Jan  1 00:01:06 Pineapple user.info sysinit: 	  blue  [on | off] - Turn's the blue LED on or off.
Jan  1 00:01:06 Pineapple user.info sysinit: 	  reset - Reset's LED behaviour to default
Jan  1 00:01:06 Pineapple user.info sysinit: 	led
Jan  1 00:01:06 Pineapple user.info sysinit: 	  del_mac  [MAC]  - Delete the specified MAC from the black list.
Jan  1 00:01:06 Pineapple user.info sysinit: 	  add_mac  [MAC]  - Adds the specified MAC to the black list.
Jan  1 00:01:06 Pineapple user.info sysinit: 	  del_ssid [SSID] - Delete the specified SSID from the black/white list.
Jan  1 00:01:06 Pineapple user.info sysinit: 	  add_ssid [SSID] - Adds the specified SSID to the black/white list.
Jan  1 00:01:06 Pineapple user.info sysinit: 	  list_macs  - Lists all SSIDs in Karma's black list.
Jan  1 00:01:06 Pineapple user.info sysinit: 	  list_ssids - Lists all SSIDs in Karma's black/white list.
Jan  1 00:01:06 Pineapple user.info sysinit: 	  stop  - Stops Karma
Jan  1 00:01:06 Pineapple user.info sysinit: 	  start - Starts Karma
Jan  1 00:01:06 Pineapple user.info sysinit: 	karma
Jan  1 00:01:06 Pineapple user.info sysinit: Commands:
Jan  1 00:01:06 Pineapple user.info sysinit: A Program to controll your WiFi Pineapple over the commandline.
Jan  1 00:01:06 Pineapple user.info sysinit: Usage: pineapple [command] [[options]] [[[args]]]
Jan  1 00:01:06 Pineapple user.info sysinit: WiFi Pineapple Controller version 0.1
Jan  1 00:01:06 Pineapple user.info sysinit: setting up led wlan1
Jan  1 00:01:06 Pineapple user.info sysinit: setting up led wlan0
Jan  1 00:01:06 Pineapple user.info sysinit: setting up led ethernet

Here's the Karma log

1407045337 78:e8:b6:[censored] android-cf[censored] *
1407045219 30:85:a9:[censored] android-e8[censored] 01:30:85:a9:[censored]
1407045219 5c:0a:5b:67:a3:af android-6a[censored] 01:5c:0a:5b:[censored]

I have my devices associate by manually entering fake ssid. They associate within seconds.

What happens:

After a couple of devices associate via Karma, my ping command hangs and I press show internet and get an error. My devices also lose internet.

What i've done:

I've reflashed my pineapple and I have not reinstalled any infusions.

I will continue to investigate further. Anyone have seen this before?


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