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[Q] Not able to run Powershell scripts from the Duck


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Ok, why is Microsoft so stupid? Seriously! I've set my Powershell execution policy to "remotesigned" so powershell scripts can be executed, but when I try to run a powershell script (.ps1) - the output Window remains blank and the program quits. The only method that I can use to execute powershell scripts is using the download 'n' execute script that is commonly used on this forum.

Its ridiculous. I've tried to execute the Mimikatz Powersploit Invoke scripts but they don't work unless I use the download 'n' execute script. I want to execute PS1 files locally WITHOUT HAVING AN INTERNET CONNECTION!

Anyone got any ideas on how to fix this stupid issue?

Someone needs to give whoever developed Powershell a punch around the mouth - SERIOUSLY! D*** heads.

Microdick (Microsoft) can be so frustrating. Can't even go on Youtube with an xbox without paying for a gold subscription - money beggars.

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As far as I can see, the only thing I can see as a possible way around this is having another USB with the PowerSploit toolkit on it, and executing the files off of that USB. Antivirus will detect this, however, and it will attempt to remove any miscellaneous files it will find on the USB. You really do need an internet connection for that particular invoke-mimikatz script.

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As far as I can see, the only thing I can see as a possible way around this is having another USB with the PowerSploit toolkit on it, and executing the files off of that USB. Antivirus will detect this, however, and it will attempt to remove any miscellaneous files it will find on the USB. You really do need an internet connection for that particular invoke-mimikatz script.

It doesn't matter what I try to run - Powershell doesn't want to work. I hate Powershell.

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