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Mac clone script


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I have a list of 20 'authorized' macs (will add more as I come across them). I was looking to write a script that runs on startup to query the file of macs and randomly pick one to clone it to wlan1.

Can someone help me write a script to do this or at least point me in the right direction?


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A bash script like this will should use a random mac (please test as i have not)


sleep 20 #Wait 20 seconds - Use if you need to wait for other things to load first
max=$(wc -l /sd/mac.list) #Count the macs in list (i assume each mac is on a seperate line and only contains MAC?)
num=$(( ( RANDOM % $max )  + 1 )) #Get number between 1 - number of macs in file.
mac=$(tail -n $num /sd/mac.list| head -n 1) # get random mac

macchanger -m $mac #Change to random mac address :)

Good Luck, let us know how you go!

Edited by markcoker
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It just needed a wlan1 on the last line and an extra set of parenthesis on line 4. Without them it was assigning '20 /sd/mac.list' to max, not just '20'


sleep 20 #Wait 20 seconds - Use if you need to wait for other things to load first
max=($(wc -l /sd/mac.list)) #Count the macs in list (i assume each mac is on a seperate line and only contains MAC?)
num=$(( ( RANDOM % $max )  + 1 )) #Get number between 1 - number of macs in file.
mac=$(tail -n $num /sd/mac.list| head -n 1) # get random mac

macchanger -m $mac wlan1 #Change to random mac address :)
Thanks for the help! It works in a shh terminal on the pineapple. I just need to test it on a dip switch next. Edited by yabasoya
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totally missed the mistake on line 4 :)

TIP: if your wanting to test your dip setup you could run /usr/bin/dip-handler which ive found handy to test correct dipsetup.

1. So you first just use web interface Configuration > Boot Modes (or edit mk5.db with a db editor of your choice) to edit dip settings & save.

2. Change your dips correct to the settings you want to test.

3. Finally run /usr/bin/dip-handler and those settings will run.

Hope it helps.

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