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After i run ifconfig wlan0 down/up awus036nha it wont scan in BT5 r3


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After i run ifconfig wlan0 down then ifconfig wlan0 up the awus036nha it wont scan in BT5 r3

What am i doing wrong?

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Can you be a bit more specific with the question? Scan for what? Packets over the air like in monitor mode, or for wireless AP's near you? What are you trying to scan for specifically? Try iwlist after bringing the nic back up too. ie: http://linux.die.net/man/8/iwlist

If you want monitor mode so you can capture traffic, run

airmon-zc start wlan0
and you will then have one wlan0 in managed mode for connecting to AP's and another one called mon0 in monitor mode for capturing traffic with things like wireshark or airodump-ng, etc. so you can then do like
airodump-ng -w dump mon0
to scan nearby routers and clients.
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Thanks for your reply

I'm trying to spoof my awus036nha's mac for a network,

I'm trying to connect to Wifi's but it won't show anything after i run those commands
No networks at all

Edited by mrgray
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If you're bringing down the nic, running macchanger, then brining it up, I assume you're using wicd to connect to AP's, which won't work. Kill wicd, and manually connect to AP's, either with wpa_supplicant for WPA access points, or with the WEP key via iwconfig and ssid name, etc. Read up on wireless commands, but wicd is a piece of shit, and if you change the MAC, won't work afterwards. Also, clear the dhcp cache, since it caches old mac address and IP's for the interface and AP you were last on and tries to use the same info when connecting back, and if the mac has changed, that will cause it to just try forever. I posted the path in another forum post, and don't remember off the top of my head the path, but I think its like "rm /var/lib/dhclient3/dh*" to clear the cache of previously connected dhcp connections. This is a problem with bt5 I have always run into with wicd and dhclient3 not clearing the cache and trying to use real nic's info with wicd.

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Thanks guys! Hope this works! 1+ likes

Sorry i'm the noob who always run into stupid errors -_-

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wicd-gtk is shit but i personally like wicd-curses in the terminal. double check rfkill and make sure your alfa isnt hard or soft blocked and if it is then just unblock it. also when you issue the command ifconfig wlan0 up are you double checking that the interface is up by running ifconfig again?

also digip, remember that when using airmon-zc it starts wlan*mon not mon*, airmon-ng starts a mon*.

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wicd-gtk is shit but i personally like wicd-curses in the terminal. double check rfkill and make sure your alfa isnt hard or soft blocked and if it is then just unblock it. also when you issue the command ifconfig wlan0 up are you double checking that the interface is up by running ifconfig again?

also digip, remember that when using airmon-zc it starts wlan*mon not mon*, airmon-ng starts a mon*.

Not sure what you mean by wlan*mon vs mon* but when I run zc, I get a wlan0 in managed mode, and a mon0 in monitor mode on my laptop. Mine has an internal nic, but I don't think that makes a whole lot of difference. Only time I had different names was my old rt73 linksys with the prism chipset and would come up as rausb0, when I used the different drivers pre BT4. After that, the card never worked, even when trying to blacklist the shipped drivers and installing the enhanced drivers, they would fail since it needed something from the older kernel settings not in the later versions.
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i just used the asterisks as a wild card for the iface number because if you have more than one going at a time the numbers will change. its funny that youre still getting mon0 when you use airmon-zc. everytime ive ever use it it always gives me a wlan0mon instea of a mon0. ive got tons of different wireless adapters/chipsets so im always messing around with different drivers and chipsets

also which card are you talking about? how could it have a prism chipset and a ralink chipset at the same time? ive never seen anythig like that. i do however have a couple of old linksys rt73 usb b/g cards. mineonly have a single chipset version and i use the rt73usb drivers with them.

Not sure what you mean by wlan*mon vs mon* but when I run zc, I get a wlan0 in managed mode, and a mon0 in monitor mode on my laptop. Mine has an internal nic, but I don't think that makes a whole lot of difference. Only time I had different names was my old rt73 linksys with the prism chipset and would come up as rausb0, when I used the different drivers pre BT4. After that, the card never worked, even when trying to blacklist the shipped drivers and installing the enhanced drivers, they would fail since it needed something from the older kernel settings not in the later versions.

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i just used the asterisks as a wild card for the iface number because if you have more than one going at a time the numbers will change. its funny that youre still getting mon0 when you use airmon-zc. everytime ive ever use it it always gives me a wlan0mon instea of a mon0. ive got tons of different wireless adapters/chipsets so im always messing around with different drivers and chipsets

also which card are you talking about? how could it have a prism chipset and a ralink chipset at the same time? ive never seen anythig like that. i do however have a couple of old linksys rt73 usb b/g cards. mineonly have a single chipset version and i use the rt73usb drivers with them.

My old Linksys is an OLDER rt73 card, that had the prism capabilities and worked great with the enhanced drivers from http://homepages.tu-darmstadt.de/~p_larbig/wlan/ before BT4. After they made kernel updates and removed some switches, they moved to the newer r73usb version which if you look at the two cards, one was mac80211 while the other was the olde IEEE driver which used to work with my card. It always came up under BT2.5 and BT 3 as Rausb0 and worked great until BT4 and later, due to them switching over to use mac80211 based drivers, and my card no longer had capabilities for iwconfig settings. Linksys made 2 of the same cards, one of which was the later fimrware revision. Mine was the WUSB54GC manufactured from 2008. The later ones, use the newer mac80211 non prism chipsets and settings, and the drivers for them, don't work in BT4-5 for me with my card very well. In fact, pretty much will lock a virtual machine 9 times out of 10, and I lost all the older iwconfig settings for what I had with the older drivers meant for more fine tuned control of the prism chipset.
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