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2nd Pineapple...or Raspi...or BBone Black


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So after coming to grips with the fact that the 400mhz on-board isn't near enough horsepower to utilize the full potential of this little device I've decided to get a 2nd Pineapple.....or a Raspberry Pi.....or a BeagleBone Black. I'm having trouble deciding which would be the best option to get the most out of my Pineapple. I was hoping that other's that've gone down this road could help me decide. I would love to be able to run SSLStrip, URLSnarf, TCPDump, Reaver, MDK3, Aircrack, Deauth, Ettercap, WAN or 3G Connection, (Obviously Karma), and any other modules/infusions without having to pick and choose at times which features i can use without crashing my setup. I'm not even sure if any one device paired with the Pineapple would be enough to allow me to go crazy with it. I know there's a chance that the only way for me to realize this would be Pineapple + Pineapple + Raspi/BBone but I'm positive that some of the more experienced members of this forum will have a much better grasp of this than me. I know that for some of those features to run concurrent I'd at least need a 2nd external Alfa (or 6th) which I'm open to. I'm just wondering what would be the most cost/space effecient way for the Pineapple to never be left wanting for more horsepower/radios. Either way I'm pretty sure that this specific topic hasn't been covered and I think a pro's and con's list would be helpful to alot of people now and down the road. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!!! Thanks in advance...

Edited by kpoeticg
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If running tons of modules/infusions simultaneously is what you're after, you will need two pineapples. If you split the load over 2 pineapples, in tango mode, each with its own extra alfa card, I guess its possible. I'm more of a terminal guy, so if you can live without the gui, you can get away with zero pineapples. If you just want to run all the tools simultaneously, I'm guessing you could do it with either a pi or Bbone. I've got a pi setup with karma with 2 alfas (karma/master mode on one, airdrop'ing on the other) so that I could test some stuff with metasploit. I'm sure you could add yet another alfa as a kind of 'utility' interface for reaver/mdk3/aircrack. I can't speak to the Beagle Bone, but the pi is not going to be super fast, especially when running msf, but it can certainly handle a greater multitasking load than the more purpose-built pineapple.


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No doubt. I almost got Odroid-X2 but i already use a USB hub anyway and the U2's half the size, a third of the waiting period, and 45 bux less. Should fit beautifully in a Pelican case. If everything works as sweet as I'm hoping maybe I'll start a thread with my setup. Some of the scripts out there like Hax0rBl0x, UWUI, EasyCreds, and lazykali should make running it through a vnc or ssh tunnel a breeze!!

Edited by kpoeticg
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Creating a thread on your setup, problems encountered, and a general review of it would be great! I suspect theres quite a few members of this community are interested in the ODROID, including myself. Thanks kpoeticg and good luck!


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