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I was watching some Iron Geek videos (or at least a "Con" talk from a like website) and was referred to this book by one of the speakers. He said that it taught him more on software composing (his words) than what four years of college taught him... I've been reading it on and off at work.

The book is designed for children; it creates perspectives that are easy to understand... Might sound crazy; but I think Darren should plug this book in one of the upcoming Hak5 episodes.


Edited by Pwnd2Pwnr
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What do you mean by "software composing"?

Knowing, and quoting Iron Geek, its probably just his Kentucky accent and way talks..lol.
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Opposed to Software Engineering. Engineering is more or less making electrons go a certain way.

Composing is more of an art form... it is hard to explain... check the book out.

3.95 for kindle :)

Edited by Pwnd2Pwnr
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Already bought it for my kindle. Haven't read it yet, but plan on having the wife read it to the older of our two kids since she likes computers and gadgets, I figure it couldn't hurt. Especially since shes having so much issue with her eyes lately, her reading and math have gone way down hill. Last year she excelled at everything, this year, shes done major poorly, and when I just went and got her eye exam the other day, her right eye got nearly every letter wrong, left eye half right and with both eyes, I'd give her a 3 out of 5 on a scale of 5 as passing, meaning, she could see her way through life but not really know what the hell is going on. Can't wait till the new glasses come in because I think its half her issues in school right now. Shes never gotten such bad marks or even letters sent home for tantrums, but if she can't see the board, then she has no clue what the teacher is really explaining other than what she hears, and when we get home to do homework, all her reading to me is way off, so something has changed over the summer with her eye sight.

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Oh man... I remember when my vision was getting bad when I was young. I got teased for my glasses and buried them in the playgrounds baseball diamond. Hopefully this book will ignite some passion for learning bud. Good luck... kids are never going to be easy... :(

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