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AP121U Clean Flash

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First post as fallen at first hurdle. I've searched, read and researched, finding nothing that matches my issue.

New Ap121U, with CP2102 UART configured.

All settings checked and double checked against Mr Protocol's tutorial. All I get is garbage back from the Putty session:

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Slightly disapointed that I've fallen at the first step, as everything past this point seems pretty within my means.

Thanks in advance for any guidance.

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Ok, problem resolved. There I am checking and rechecking and swapping over the connections at the UART end, to find the ground at the AP121U end wasnt mated properly.

Thanks for the quick input.

Next step... :)

Hopefully you are reading the wiki. I made a pretty detailed guide and video for Windows users how to clean flash.


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I am indeed, and am now the proud owner of a full flashed and up-to-date pineapple.

Now I just need to work out what I'm going to do with it... ;)

Congrats, glad everything worked out for you. Any suggestions to the wiki page or video to possibly avoid any confusion? I tried to be as thorough as possible.

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Congrats, glad everything worked out for you. Any suggestions to the wiki page or video to possibly avoid any confusion? I tried to be as thorough as possible.

None at all as it was very thorough, the issue being that I connected up the UART cable at the AP end, feeding it trhough a vent hole and screwing the lid down, which must have pulled the ground connector away from the board. Of course, I didn't check that end :)

Perhaps my only suggestion would be "if you get garbage output, it's a serial configuration issue" could be added to the wiki?

Rule number 1 - Check the physical :)

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None at all as it was very thorough, the issue being that I connected up the UART cable at the AP end, feeding it trhough a vent hole and screwing the lid down, which must have pulled the ground connector away from the board. Of course, I didn't check that end :)

Perhaps my only suggestion would be "if you get garbage output, it's a serial configuration issue" could be added to the wiki?

Rule number 1 - Check the physical :)

I will see if I can fit that in. Typically when you see garbage scrolling in your terminal, it's either not a UART adapter, or the baud is incorrectly set.

In regards to your crimping of cables. I would either cut a notch out of the plastic case, or maybe solder up a stereo mini plug and mount it to the side of the case. Then you could make a home made cable to just plug into it whenever you need serial access.

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