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[Question] Faq

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I thought we might start a FAQ thread.

Q My USB Rubber Ducky seems to be keen on skipping the first line or two of my code. What do I do to fix this?

A Placing a "DELAY 1000" at the very top of the script seems to give the computer alittle extra time to recognize the USB Rubber Ducky. If your code seems to be skipping at random, you may try using DEFAULTDELAY which will change the DELAY amount between every command.(Thanks Snubs)

Q I have heard other people talk about a newer red version of the USB Rubber Ducky. Is it better...er?

A The biggest difference is the actual hardware of the two. The first one has a flip door for the Micro SD card and was a bit flimsy. The red(or white) (second) iteration of the Ducky comes with a slot for the SD card to be pushed into. It's a much more solid holder and doesn't have the problem on the SD card popping out. (Thanks Snubs)

Please add to this thread if you can.

Edited by x0Jakeyboy0x
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I believe the DUCKYDELAY script will help: https://github.com/hak5darren/USB-Rubber-Ducky/wiki/Duckyscript

This will put a delay between commands.


The biggest difference is the actual hardware of the two. The first one has a flip door for the Micro SD card and was a bit flimsy. The red (second) iteration of the Ducky comes with a slot for the SD card to be pushed into. It's a much more solid holder and doesn't have the problem on the SD card popping out.

I hope this helps!

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Howdy, Snubs. Fancy meeting you round these parts.

Thanks a lot for the answers. Seems the red iteration must also come in white, because the one I recently received is white. Looks very good too.

If anyone else has some questions, feel free to post.

Edited by x0Jakeyboy0x
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in fact I'm not sure that defaultdelay is working.

// Default delay
if (!delayOverride & defaultDelay != 0x00) {
  while (defaultDelay > 0) {
    file.add((byte) 0x00);
    if (defaultDelay > 255) {
      file.add((byte) 0xFF);
      defaultDelay = defaultDelay - 255;
    } else {
      file.add((byte) defaultDelay);
      defaultDelay = 0;

The parameter defaultdelay must not be changed so it's 0 for the next instruction.

if (instruction[0].equals("DEFAULT_DELAY")
|| instruction[0].equals("DEFAULTDELAY")) {
  defaultDelay = (byte) Integer.parseInt(instruction[1].trim());

And the value must not be cast in byte.

I proposed some modifications there : http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?showtopic=26782



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