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Usb Memory For Pineapple Mk4

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Hi guys, long time watcher first time post - does that make me a voyeur!? :-/

Quick and easy question regarding the pineapple and the modules that are available. Do you HAVE to use USB memory if you want to install and use modules on the pineapple? If so, is this because the pineapple memory is insufficient?

Thanks in advance


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Hi guys, long time watcher first time post - does that make me a voyeur!? :-/

Quick and easy question regarding the pineapple and the modules that are available. Do you HAVE to use USB memory if you want to install and use modules on the pineapple? If so, is this because the pineapple memory is insufficient?

Thanks in advance


It's the limited amount of memory, installing all the modules and using some of the features would fill it fast

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Thanks for the reply....

So, the USB is used both as a hard drive (storage) and for RAM (swap) right?

I'm guessing the process is;

1 - Format USB (as per 'how to' guides in this forum)

2 - Download modules onto USB

3 - Plug USB into pineapple

4 - Run modules from the pineapple GUI

Is that about right?

Thanks in advance

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Kind of. Heres a -v explanation:

1. Format USB (per Darren's guide on setting up a swap drive: http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?showtopic=25882)

2. Setup Swap settings on the pineapple (fstab stuff) also per darren's guide

3. Plug USB into pineapple

4. Run mkswap /dev/sdb1 per Darren's guide and verify the swap and storage are working correctly

5. Download modules to the USB from the pineapple (while its plugged into the pineapple)

6. Run modules


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With recent firmware versions about 700K is available to the user. Since modules are small you can fit a fair amount of 'em in this space, but not all. For logging, especially with tcpdump, you'll want usb storage. Simply formatting a drive as ext4 is sufficient to begin using the space, which will be allocated as /usb however you may want to follow one of the guides here regarding swap partitions.

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lol :lol:


Also, what Darren said!


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