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I want to learn to hack using Backtrack 5. I don't want spoon fed just pointed in the right direction.

A little background, I can do the basics with C++ working on getting better. I know the basics of computers, currently studying for the baseline certs (A+, N+, and Sec+). Doing those for the sole purpose of getting a job while I am in college in the IT field. I am deployed overseas right now so I have some spare time to study and read up on things.

Thanks in advanced.

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I want to learn to hack using Backtrack 5. I don't want spoon fed just pointed in the right direction.

A little background, I can do the basics with C++ working on getting better. I know the basics of computers, currently studying for the baseline certs (A+, N+, and Sec+). Doing those for the sole purpose of getting a job while I am in college in the IT field. I am deployed overseas right now so I have some spare time to study and read up on things.

Thanks in advanced.

What do you want do hack? Im into basic Wifi WEP password cracking.

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If you want to learn using backtrack, then check out the backtrack site, and Offensive Security for their training classes for backtrack and more.




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If you really want to learn how to use Backtrack, can I suggest these books.

BackTrack 5 Wireless Penetration Testing Beginner's Guide

The Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing

Gray Hat Hacking: The Ethical Hackers Handbook

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