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Fake Ap Query


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hi all

basicly i have a fake ap running but i want any client thats connecting to the network to be forced to join a welcome page saying something like 1hr FREE WIFI , just agree to terms of service u know.

i have a bash script that i wrote that uses airbase,dhcpd3,ettercap,sslstrip was just wondering about a welcome page to make it look better u know, any pointers would be appreciated, cheers.

btw i hope this is in the right section.

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cheers for the reply , seems i got another issue with the fake ap , as in yeah clients can connect but they have very low bandwidth ?, they can login to websites but thats about it, i tryed connecting with my iphone and booting up cydia and it took awhile to

my main line is 24mb an i have the fake ap running off eth2 port from main router.

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You could run an instance of Apache and have a static welcome page written in HTML.

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thanx i will look into that , would be kool to add it to my script a nice welcome page.

Are you planning on having just a welcome page, or will it have links to other pages as well?

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Just a welcome page saying something like 1HR's FREE WIFI for every express coffee and bun baught or something , like to promote a deal of some sort, probs will have like a terms of service they just read and tick box then maybe after they do that the link takes them to google.com. job done.

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ok well it seems i have apache2 running but clients then have to stick gateway ip into a browser i.e: hxxp://, hmm now to find how to make clients auto connect to my web page on connecting to my network.

Edited by Munch
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For security reasons, you probably want something like a captive portal that you can give users access to. I think sonicwall sells a device for this, but you could build something like Infiltrator said, using Apache, squid, and some software to make login pages to prevent surfing without access codes you give to customers.

edit: Darren did a segment on Untangle a while back, and I forgot, they offer a captive portal in their router setup as well - http://www.untangle.com/captive-portal

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