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no matter how hard i look there is not one good tool for getting a remote router hash with out the presence of backtrack! i know wireshark but don't know how extract the password hash. any tips would help. pls don't post anything about aircrack-ng i just want the hash. (win32 if your wondering)


So let me guess, you are trying to crack a wireless?

What algorithm are you trying to crack WEP or WPA?


There are ways to do it without backtrack, but if backtrack works with the tools installed in it, why aren't you using it and learning about it from there? Use what you know works, then learn why it works and progress from there. Wireless hacking does not require you to use backtrack, it just helps make everything easier, since it has many tools in one place, preinstalled and configured to work properly.


I know how to use backtrack pretty good im just looking for a way to do it without waiting 2h for it to download and then install a VM... and both first guy


I know there are few tools out there, for Windows that can do what you are asking. The only problem with Windows, is drivers compatibility.


Waiting to download for two hours vs what? About the only tools you will find for windows wireless hacking is Cain for MITM and Hamster and Ferret. Some windows wireless nics will work with aircrack, but for the most part, you need special wifi cards, like the airpcap cards, which aren't cheap solutions, when backtrack is a free solution. No need for a VM either, just download the ISO and burn it and run it live to use your machines hardware, vs in a VM. Put on a thumbdrive, take it with you anywhere so long as you also have a USB wifi adapter, you would be pretty set to hack from anywhere you have access to a pc. Hell, download DSL(damn small linux) and try installing aircrack and all its dependencies. Should be much quicker than 2 hours since DSL is tiny compared to other distros. Not sure on the support for aircrack, but sure it could be done.

Posted (edited)

Quick question - I am trying to generate my own Rainbow Tables with winrtgen, but was wondering what hash I should use for WPA, WPA2 and WEP?


No need for tables on WEP, since WEP is essentially broken and can be cracked in less than 5 minutes with the right hardware and tools. As for creating your own tables for WPA/WPA2, thats up to you but I would look into using the ones already made and if possible, purchasing them and having them sent to you. Saves time, precomputed, and if anything, have 33gb already saved on external media for you. http://www.renderlab.net/projects/WPA-tables/

Edited by digip

thanks digip, i saw that and will be emailing them shortly. but as im in the uk, i thought id learn how they are made in the mean time.

Not 100% positive, but I think that link had tools for making them as well or links to on their page.


Couldnt see anything - Although I am currently using winrtgen on my windows box and have previously used JTR on BT.

Of the top of your head (if you dont have access to the files) can they be used with AirCrack using the following:

aircrack-ng output-01.cap -w /PathtoTable.Extension

or does it have to be with cowpatty? I havent mastered cowpatty yet lol

Posted (edited)

There is also a hak5 thread on this topic with links to individual tables http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?showtopic=12708%3Cbr%3E but I'm not sure how long the lifespan is on files at megaupload and such. Also instructions on cowpatty - http://wirelessdefence.org/Contents/coWPAttyMain.htm

Edited by digip

The only thing I don't like about, winrtgen is that its single threaded. Even if you had a multi-core CPU it would be useless generating WPA rainbow tables, it would take a very long time to generate them.

You can try downloading or purchasing WPA rainbow tables, but it has to be specific for your SSID or else it won't work.

I college of mine is writing a custom Cuda WPA cracker for me, it also supports multi-host which will be very useful for cracking WPA if you have multiple computers with Nvidia cards in it.


Yh I had a feeling the above would be the case. I generated a 8-10 character LM hash with winrtgen and it took a day or so (not with a dedicated machine though) - I could tell straight away that it was single threaded. With regards to the RTs, Yh that was bit of a concern also - I know I tend to change my SSID as do others but the majority dont. Also being in the UK, majority off SSIDs arent in the list - BTHomeHub, TalkTalk, SKY, etc

I managed to download the 33gig torrent in half a day yestday and I guess I should really start playing with it and finding out how they work. But I think I may need to generate some of my own tables which is why knowing the type of hashes it uses would be useful.

The cracker that is being written, can it be used without gpu's? I know with gpus it is much faster, but i tend to work with multiple machines and remote onto them whenever i need them. I have 3 machines which each have 2 dual core xeon (3ghz each core) processors - 2 with 8gb and 1 with 4gb which I could put to use.


The cracker that is being written, can it be used without gpu's? I know with gpus it is much faster, but i tend to work with multiple machines and remote onto them whenever i need them. I have 3 machines which each have 2 dual core xeon (3ghz each core) processors - 2 with 8gb and 1 with 4gb which I could put to use.

GPUs are much more faster than CPUs, that's why I'm asking him to write it with CUDA support. And the more Nvidia Cuda cards you have, the less time you have to wait, to get the WPA key cracked. With CPUs alone it would take a lot of machines than you would expect.


I think i may need to look into making a purchase in the not so distant future. do you suggest any cards in particular? (i know you've said nvidia, but any card in particular?)


I think i may need to look into making a purchase in the not so distant future. do you suggest any cards in particular? (i know you've said nvidia, but any card in particular?)

You can purchase any Nvidia graphics card, as long as they are in this range (8000 series, 9000 series, GTX200 series, GTX400/500 series).

My cracker will be optimized for the GTX580 cards.


What are you using to optimize? I have two 580's in sli.

Since its my college who is writing the WPA cracker, will have to ask him. But I am pretty sure, he is using C for writing the APP.

But for the optimization part, not entirely sure.

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