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Help, Does Not Show Favorite Wireless Networks..

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I bought some time ago a wifi pineapple version2 from the hak5 store. I followed the guide at http://karmetasploit.com/archives/55 to share internet from my laptop running backtrack to the jasager. Then I powered up a windows machine and I just see the ssid 'pineapple' (when I connect to it, I can browse the web), but no 'fake favorites. What am I doing wrong. Thanks in advance!

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depends on the client. From XP SP2 (I think) the built in client will only connect to an AP if the encryption matches the one it expects. Some clients will happily drop down to unencrypted but others won't.

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Yes it works when the victim has as a favorite an unencrypted network, but wouldn't it be great if this would also work with encrypted wlans? the jasager could generate 'fake' access points with all encryption method. So it would for example have 4 'fake' access points with the same ssid but with different encryptions (unencrypted, wep, wpa, wpa2) so that the victim could connect to the jasager even if his favorites are encrypted ones.

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And what would it use for the encryption keys for those networks?

When a client tries to connect to the ap doesn't it sent the password? the jasager could just accept it (just asking, I dont really know how the connection client-ap works. Just curius if something like this is possible. Sorry for the bad english ;))

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No password is sent. In basic terms, both sides are assumed to know the password so after association both start talking using the encryption key. If the AP doesn't know the key then it can't decrypt the traffic so can't reply.

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