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Old Server Hardware


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Hey guys,

I'm planning to set up a little serverrack at my home.

So I'm looking around for some old hardware to have some fun with.

Then I can backup data, host some services at home, etc ...

Does any body know where I could find used hardware ?

Thanks a lot in advance.

Kind regards,


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Craigslist, Ebay, newspapers, google, and even the forums. Check the trading thread.

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Hey guys,

I'm planning to set up a little serverrack at my home.

So I'm looking around for some old hardware to have some fun with.

Then I can backup data, host some services at home, etc ...

Does any body know where I could find used hardware ?

Thanks a lot in advance.

Kind regards,


I would suggest contactin some of the local businesses and colleges. I was collecting several computers from local colleges simply by calling them and seeing if they had any old hardware they were gettin rid of and found one that gave me 6 computers at one time. Most were older than dirt lol, one was actually a pentium 100 and in a configuration that id never seen before but it worked for what i wanted it to. Just a note though some places will not have anythin to give away because they can donate it and get tax benefits but don't give up after the first few say they cant help you.

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