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Problems With Logging In Pandora Client While Using Proxy


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In order to listen to Pandora I need to use proxy server with authentication. I use HTTP as sock4 nor sock4a supports authentication. And sock5 didn't help either.

My computer clock for sure is set properly but I am outside the US so maybe my timeshift is too big :)

When I tried with the anonymous test account I heard the music so that probably there is some problem with this proxy. Maybe Pandora authentication is not made by proxy server? Or proxy server authentication is skipped here? Don't know...

Here is the log:

2010-12-15 23:26:15	Client: Logging in to Pandora
2010-12-15 23:26:15	Client: Syncing...
2010-12-15 23:26:15	#492	 POST http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v29?rid=2451975P&method=sync
2010-12-15 23:26:15	#492: Exemption key Pandora-Vital forcing not exempt
2010-12-15 23:26:15	#492 POST 210 bytes to www.pandora.com
2010-12-15 23:26:16	Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'sync': #492
2010-12-15 23:26:16	Client: Authenticating...
2010-12-15 23:26:16	#493	 CONNECT www.pandora.com:443
2010-12-15 23:26:16	Client: Failed to execute auth RPC --> System.Exception: Failed to execute XMLRPC ---> System.Net.WebException: Failed to negotiate a SSL tunnel: HTTP/1.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required

   w Client.HttpRequest.GetResponseInternal(HttpChunkedReadCallback callback) w E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\HttpRequest\HttpRequest.cs:wiersz 613
   w Client.HttpRequest.GetResponse() w E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\HttpRequest\HttpRequest.cs:wiersz 372
   w Client.PClient.PostXMLRPC(String path, String payload, Boolean secure) w E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\Client.XMLRPC.cs:wiersz 1014
   --- Koniec ?ladu stosu wyj?tków wewn?trznych ---
   w Client.PClient.PostXMLRPC(String path, String payload, Boolean secure) w E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\Client.XMLRPC.cs:wiersz 1085
   w Client.PClient.SendAuthRpc(PandoraXMLResult& ret) w E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\Client.XMLRPC.cs:wiersz 965
2010-12-15 23:26:16	Client: ERROR Bad username/password
2010-12-15 23:26:16	#493: SSL transaction finished, sent 0B, rec 1,7KB
2010-12-15 23:26:21	#494	 GET /log
2010-12-15 23:26:21	#495	 GET /proxyicon.gif
2010-12-15 23:26:21	#496	 GET /favicon.ico
2010-12-15 23:26:25	#497	 GET /favicon.ico
2010-12-15 23:26:30	Client: Retrying authentication
2010-12-15 23:26:30	#498	 CONNECT www.pandora.com:443
2010-12-15 23:26:30	Client: Failed to execute auth RPC --> System.Exception: Failed to execute XMLRPC ---> System.Net.WebException: Failed to negotiate a SSL tunnel: HTTP/1.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required

   w Client.HttpRequest.GetResponseInternal(HttpChunkedReadCallback callback) w E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\HttpRequest\HttpRequest.cs:wiersz 613
   w Client.HttpRequest.GetResponse() w E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\HttpRequest\HttpRequest.cs:wiersz 372
   w Client.PClient.PostXMLRPC(String path, String payload, Boolean secure) w E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\Client.XMLRPC.cs:wiersz 1014
   --- Koniec ?ladu stosu wyj?tków wewn?trznych ---
   w Client.PClient.PostXMLRPC(String path, String payload, Boolean secure) w E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\Client.XMLRPC.cs:wiersz 1085
   w Client.PClient.SendAuthRpc(PandoraXMLResult& ret) w E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\Client.XMLRPC.cs:wiersz 965
2010-12-15 23:26:30	Client: ERROR Bad username/password
2010-12-15 23:26:30	#498: SSL transaction finished, sent 0B, rec 1,7KB
2010-12-15 23:26:31	Client: Retrying authentication
2010-12-15 23:26:31	#499	 CONNECT www.pandora.com:443
2010-12-15 23:26:31	Client: Failed to execute auth RPC --> System.Exception: Failed to execute XMLRPC ---> System.Net.WebException: Failed to negotiate a SSL tunnel: HTTP/1.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required

   w Client.HttpRequest.GetResponseInternal(HttpChunkedReadCallback callback) w E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\HttpRequest\HttpRequest.cs:wiersz 613
   w Client.HttpRequest.GetResponse() w E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\HttpRequest\HttpRequest.cs:wiersz 372
   w Client.PClient.PostXMLRPC(String path, String payload, Boolean secure) w E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\Client.XMLRPC.cs:wiersz 1014
   --- Koniec ?ladu stosu wyj?tków wewn?trznych ---
   w Client.PClient.PostXMLRPC(String path, String payload, Boolean secure) w E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\Client.XMLRPC.cs:wiersz 1085
   w Client.PClient.SendAuthRpc(PandoraXMLResult& ret) w E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\Client.XMLRPC.cs:wiersz 965
2010-12-15 23:26:31	Client: ERROR Bad username/password
2010-12-15 23:26:31	#499: SSL transaction finished, sent 0B, rec 1,7KB

Thank you for your help!


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HTTP/1.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required

is the important bit here. Are you sure you entered the right proxy password etc? (but then again, the http password stuff i don't know if it is good or not)

Found a bug in standalone client's handling, but does not affect saver2 version.

Correction. It seems to sync fine... does the proxy you are using support CONNECT requests?

From the RFC, 'If a proxy does not accept the credentials sent with a request, it SHOULD return a 407 (Proxy Authentication Required).'

But it's already apparently working with the sync request....?

I would say, find a less annoying proxy to use. If you don't have one, install tortunnel via Add/remove components on the saver2 menu.

.... Correction. As it turns out, there was no provision for HTTP proxies (at least, one that allowed dealing with authentication) in a CONNECT [ssl] request. Sorry for the inconvenience. I will PM a beta version for you to try.

Evidently you can't get PMs. Please drop by IRC again, the beta is in the topic.

Edited by ZigZagJoe
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Thank you for your reply. Yes, I am sure I properly entered the proxy and pandora password. As I said before I could listen to the music when I checked "Create trial account", so for sure the proxy server password is ok.

If the proxy server supports CONNECT requests - I have no idea... How could I check this? I use this proxy: https://getfoxyproxy.org/proxyservice/index.html - looks quite stable.

I'll check the beta soon and get back.


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Funny, tortunnel was made much more robust 3 months ago, to the point where it won't fail unless the user's internet is down. Moreover, why have I not heard from other people who are not able to connect using it? (needless to say, it worked fine when i just tested it manually)

Back on topic, wuwu's problem was resolved by the beta. Probably will release sometime before christmas (or maybe on christmas if i want to be funny)

Current Changelog:


Some misc improvements to the client and some major improvements to the genericsaver. Added plugin to support batanga.com (latin website). Outputs 128kbs mp3. Supports album art. Version bumped due to some internal changes. Misc fixes in SProxy.

** Do you still use www.pandora.com in your browser to listen to Pandora? **

If so, did you know Saver2 has its own Pandora client? It has no ads, no listening limits, no skip limit, allows you to seek and repeat a song at will, and more! It can go into shade mode like winamp (double click the title), and also supports transparency and custom background skins. It can use your keyboard's media keys, and set your MSN status to what you're now listening to on pandora, plus scrobble your music to Last.FM! Try it by clicking "Pandora Client" on the SProxy window today!

Tried it? Don't like it? Give me feedback!


You will be prompted on first launch weither you want to use omnisaver or not. The only possible negative to using omnisaver is that it will save duplicates of files you download voluntarily.

Batanga: First release.

Client: Added ability to remember last window size, under appearance tab.

Client: Default skin changed to maniac skin if present on install

Client: Slightly modified welcome screen

Client(Standalone): Fixed bug in HTTP proxy w/ auth handling. Does not affect saver2 version.

Installer: Added batanga plugin

Grooveshark: Updated ad-busting and metadata sniffing for new version. (adbusting courtesy of pegasus epsilon)

GenericSaver: Added support for hoodlumpriest.net

GenericSaver: Added support for musicshake (http://eng.musicshake.com/)

GenericSaver: Added option to use omni filters (*.mp3, *.m4a, *.mp4, *.aac, *.ogg, *.asf, *.wma) and content types of audio/*

GenericSaver: Added custom match url support

GenericSaver: Added configuration page

SProxy: Version bump to 1.4.1

SProxy: Added option to edit /pac request to always use proxy

SProxy: Fixed CONNECT requests not being handled properly when using a HTTP proxy that requires authentication

SProxy: CORE.Prompt respects yesno prompt in UI mode and displays icons properly.

SProxy: Added Proxy.PluginMgr.ChangePosition, takes arguments of SPlugin and index (to insert plugin at). Changes the order in which plugins mangle/sniff/etc sessions. SHOULD ONLY BE CALLED FROM SPlugin.Start! (OnStarted within saver2). Any other places WILL cause an error!

Saver2: SongInfo.FromFile will now try all supported file types until one works or runs out of types to try - extension argument is now ignored. (same for frommp3)

Saver2: Added OnUIStart method to saverplugin - not called when running under command line! Called when UI is shown to user.

Saver2: Version bumped to 1.4 due to internal changes to plugin system

Saver2: A list of hashes of the last 10 files sniffed is now preserved, used by GenericSaver so it does not save duplicates with other plugins.

YouTube: Reworded configuration page and removed enabled checkbox which probably never "worked"

BrowserPAC: Added omni filters, support for batanga, and provision for sproxy to edit to always use proxy

Note: For full omnisaver support, your browser must be configured to use SProxy unconditionally or the "PAC: Use proxy always" checkbox in sproxy config must be checked.

This is needed for files which have an audio content type but no extension are passed.

Edited by ZigZagJoe
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