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Xp Privillege Escallation From Usb Drive


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I'm having a problem with a low-privilleged account on my school computer. I'm stuck with using IE 6 :( and I cannot install programs. I tried a few "basic" ways to escallate, but they didn't work. And since the computers don't have CD drives, I can only use a usb.



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Since its a school computer, there is a good reason for it to be locked down.

However you could use portableapps and install them onto your USB.

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I know its a school computer and I wouldn't be touching if, but IE 6!? :D

So I still need escallation, its not just the apps. For example how will i run flash player from inside a portable app on the USB? Even if there is a way I still prefer to have administator privileges.

Also, we're in an undeveloped coutry so altering a school property won't do me any harm.


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Have you tried using portableapps, I use it on my computer at home and my computer at home has limited access. With portable apps, you can have Firefox and Chrome but not IE.

But you can still install other apps as well. And having them just running off your USB.

I have also found this article, it may give you what you are after


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OperaUSB comes with flash plug-in installed I believe. If latest doesn't have it I know older versions did. Besides, its not your property, but I see no harm in a safer browser. Installing software on a pc that isn't yours is not a good idea, but using external media that doesn't need to install or change the host OS, shouldn't be an issue.

Have you even bothered to ask for help with this? Sometimes, you would be surprised how a simple thing like asking for permission to add FireFox or such could be the solution. If they say no, well, you have nothing to lose.

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