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Multiple Choice


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But if they find out that you are cheating its game over for you

I recommend you to study and not cheat.

What are you going to benefit from cheating, NOTHING!!!!!!

You will not learn and moreover it will look bad on your reputation.

Trust me dude, I've been there myself and you don't want to go down the path that path.

Learning how to do one thing, will be in the end very rewarding for you.

Edited by Infiltrator
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you're taking the damn test online, and probably in your own home where nobody is watching you like a proctor or teacher... so wtf is the problem with googling for the answer in another tab or holy shit, actually studying.

Theres a quote I remember from growing up, its something like "You're in a system, weather you work hard by the system, or work hard to beat the system, you still have to work hard. There is no easy way out if you want to learn."

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you're taking the damn test online, and probably in your own home where nobody is watching you like a proctor or teacher... so wtf is the problem with googling for the answer in another tab or holy shit, actually studying.

Theres a quote I remember from growing up, its something like "You're in a system, weather you work hard by the system, or work hard to beat the system, you still have to work hard. There is no easy way out if you want to learn."

That quote sounds a lot like my father. He used to say that to me all the time.

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Infiltrator, I am, your father.

*/play http://instantsfun.es/drama *

Yeah prove it then, dad!

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  • 1 month later...

Better yet fuck him off the system.

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