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Fixes For Win7 Games


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this one is for starcraft and expantionpack

on win7 x86 or x64

has two reg files and a readme


no i didnt make it (wish i did)

any other fix for games in win7 please post them if ye want


this is my exe version it has both reg files +read me and looks good i think


changed default extract directory from my docs to my comp


found an error going to fix it sorry XD


starcraft color patch win7

Edited by Tex©
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What does the patch do, exactly?

I don't make it a habit of clicking on unknown links. :)

EDIT: Just installed Starcraft on Win7 x64 and the only color issue I have is on the Blizzard logo movie at the start. Everything else looks fine.

I'm using a copy downloaded from battle.net.

Edited by Charles
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this one is for starcraft and expantionpack

on win7 x86 or x64

has two reg files and a readme


no i didnt make it (wish i did)

any other fix for games in win7 please post them if ye want


this is my exe version it has both reg files +read me and looks good i think


found an error going to fix it sorry XD


starcraft color patch win7

Sorry it looks more like a phishing URL to me.

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What does the patch do, exactly?

I don't make it a habit of clicking on unknown links. :)

Hi Charles,

The URL is safe to click on, he is using Google URL shortner. This URL should take you to rapidshare.com

This is the real URL: http://rapidshare.com/files/351487789/www.starcraft2.pro.rar

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lol phishing ya i could see that. though its not.

heres the source for my exe

#SingleInstance force
menu, tray, NoStandard
menu, tray, add, About
menu, tray, add; separator
menu, tray, add, Exit
FileInstall, !!!SCreadme.txt, %temp%\!!!SCreadme.txt, 1
FileInstall, sc116-x64.reg, %temp%\sc116-x64.reg, 1
FileInstall, sc116-x86.reg, %temp%\sc116-x86.reg, 1
Gui, Add, Button, x12 y10 w180 h30 gx86, x86
Gui, Add, Button, x12 y40 w180 h30 gx64 , x64
Gui, Add, Button, x12 y70 w180 h30 gextregfiles, Extract files
Gui, Add, Button, x12 y100 w180 h30 gexit , Exit
; Generated using SmartGUI Creator 4.0
Gui, Show, x188 y178 h143 w205, Starcraft & broodwar fix
Gui, 2:Add, Text, x12 y10 w370 h60 gaboutexit,  This Program was coded by Tex©                                                                 The Starcraft fix was created by warlord_7 (Administrator[starcraft2.pro])            And The program Autohotkey is from Autohotkey.com  <-- c++ for n00bs yay :) icon from http://customize.org/icons/19646
Gui, 2:Add, Button, x12 y70 w370 h30 goscreadme, Open StarCraft Readme
RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectDraw\Compatibility\Starcraft116, Name, Starcraft.exe
RegWrite, REG_BINARY, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectDraw\Compatibility\Starcraft116, Flags, 00080000
RegWrite, REG_BINARY, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectDraw\Compatibility\Starcraft116, ID, ca896549
msgbox, x86 star craft patch added
RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\DirectDraw\Compatibility\Starcraft116, Name, Starcraft.exe
RegWrite, REG_BINARY, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\DirectDraw\Compatibility\Starcraft116, Flags, 00080000
RegWrite, REG_BINARY, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\DirectDraw\Compatibility\Starcraft116, ID, ca896549
msgbox, x64 star craft patch added
FileSelectFolder, OutputVar, ::{20d04fe0-3aea-1069-a2d8-08002b30309d}, 3
if OutputVar =
    MsgBox, You didn't select a folder. *hand comes out of screen and slaps you*
    MsgBox, You selected folder "%OutputVar%" *good job you can think XD*.

    FileCopy, %temp%\sc116-x64.reg, %OutputVar%\sc116-x64.reg
    FileCopy, %temp%\sc116-x86.reg, %OutputVar%\sc116-x86.reg
    FileCopy, %temp%\!!!SCreadme.txt, %OutputVar%\!!!SCreadme.txt
    MsgBox, Files have been copyed to "%OutputVar%" *yay no fail hopefully o.0*
Gui, 2:Show, x127 y87 h103 w385, About
gui, 2:hide
FileDelete, %temp%\!!!SCreadme.txt
FileDelete, %temp%\sc116-x64.reg
FileDelete, %temp%\sc116-x86.reg

and ya i gess you are lucky cause ill be playing then the games goes messed soo fun

Just installed Starcraft on Win7 x64 and the only color issue I have is on the Blizzard logo movie at the start. Everything else looks fine

it fixes that ^

yay for compatibility mode that micro crap didnt add

Edited by Tex©
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Is that the only thing it fixes?

Can you post what the source for the reg file?

this is under x64

the other is under x86

RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\DirectDraw\Compatibility\Starcraft116, Name, Starcraft.exe
RegWrite, REG_BINARY, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\DirectDraw\Compatibility\Starcraft116, Flags, 00080000
RegWrite, REG_BINARY, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\DirectDraw\Compatibility\Starcraft116, ID, ca896549

this is the regfiles

file name: sc116-x64.reg


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





file name: sc116-x86.reg


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





the other is a txt file..... unless you really need that

the code tag is being stubborn

Edited by Tex©
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