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Vmware Server 2.0.2 Web interface alternative

Dаrren Kitchen

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The Web interface with the browser plugin for Vmware Server 2.0.2 on Windows 2008 sort of works in my LAN, but connecting to it from the Internet is a problem. You can start and stop VMs, but bringing up a VM's console does not work at all, with errors about having a bad password even though it worked fine for connecting in. I've tried installing the vSphere client, but to no avail, it want's to download support files from the server that are not there. Anyone know an alternative to the craptasic web interface for VMWare server 2.x?

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Back in the day, I was using the VIClient to access my VMWare Server. I belive I had to connect to Server_IP:WebPort with my login credentials. I'm not quite sure what's the difference between the viClient and vSphere Client is but try to also login using your vSphere Client but specify the web port (I believe it is 8333).

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Back in the day, I was using the VIClient to access my VMWare Server. I belive I had to connect to Server_IP:WebPort with my login credentials. I'm not quite sure what's the difference between the viClient and vSphere Client is but try to also login using your vSphere Client but specify the web port (I believe it is 8333).

Thanks, but I've tried that with no luck. If anyone knows a link to download the old viclient please let me know.

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