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connecting to Fon help

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Hey guys

I just purchased a Fon from the store and it looks like it is broken...Maybe its me but I don't think so.

I unboxed the Fon, turned it on and plugged in the ethernet cable to my mac book pro. I then changed the IP for the Ethernet port to something in the 192.168.1.* range and when attempting to connect to the Fon, it would fail to connect or ping.

Also sometimes the mac said there was an ethernet cable plugged in and all of a sudden the Ethernet disconnects. In order to connect it again i have to restart the fon and unplug the ethernet cable and plug it back in after I turned it back on again.

Does anyone know what is wrong and how I can fix it? I am quite concerned as i just purchased the product and I am yet to test it out on my network.

Could it be the batteries?

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I think it's best you try it with the power adapter first...

I know that the ethernet port on the Fon doesn't give out DHCP by default, but if you set your pc ip to a static one in the right range, it should technically work.

Can you connect wireless?

Do you know the default Fon ip?

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I think it's best you try it with the power adapter first...

I know that the ethernet port on the Fon doesn't give out DHCP by default, but if you set your pc ip to a static one in the right range, it should technically work.

Can you connect wireless?

Do you know the default Fon ip?

I would use the power adapter but i live in Australia, we use 240v doesn't USA use 120? I don't want to fry my fon.

Yeah i was trying to set my mac ethernet port to or but it kept saying that there is not ethernet cable plugged in. Some times it said it was in but it would go away after a while... Maybe the battries are low. Thats all i can think of... Aparently I need to set up a DHCP server... I found this

DHCP setup on max osx

So i have been following that but have had no success yet :(

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Did you follow the instructions? I haven't had a virgin Fon for a while but I thought they listened on by default.

Go through the instructions, if you still can't connect, take it back.

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