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anyone recommend a good lightweight rainbow table???


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i want a good rainbow table for WPA2-PSK and that is small but good for cowpie 4.0thanks in advance

Rainbow tables that work are not small.

You can reduce the size if you already know what SSID you are attacking. There was a pretty good thread here already about the individual tables for each SSID, just search for that. If you SSID is not in that list, then look up how to create one because that's all you're going to get.

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Rainbow tables that work are not small.

You can reduce the size if you already know what SSID you are attacking. There was a pretty good thread here already about the individual tables for each SSID, just search for that. If you SSID is not in that list, then look up how to create one because that's all you're going to get.

do you know any apps to make a list based on SSID

The tables for wpa-psk are ssid specific. Their size is dependent on the size of your dictionary file.

yea i know i just don't want download the 133gb table

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coWPAtty, well actually genpmk, but it comes with cowpatty....

If you're going to try an obscure ssid, may as well not make the table, no point, as you're probably not going to reuse it. Now if you're doing something like linksys, or netgear, make a table. It's slow the first time, but any time after that it's quicker.

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