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Is this possible and can you help


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I don't know many languages and the ones I do know, I know very little. So here is my question. I'm trying to list all possible combinations of a code. The code has 5 blocks and each block is different, but I know the blocks just not the order they go in. Can someone help with this

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findCombination(blocks) {

if(blocks.length > 0) {

foreach(block in blocks) {

newcombs = findCominbation(blocks.remove(block));

foreach(comb in newcombs) {

result[] = block + comb;



return result;

} else {

return null;


You'll want something like this.

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Can you add some details/examples?

Let's say the code given is scrambled, just the blocks are out of order. For example they give you DDDDD-EEEEE-AAAAA-CCCCC-BBBBB and the correct code is AAAA-BBBB-CCCC and etc. They only way to check to see if the order is right is by filling it in on a certain website.

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Let's say the code given is scrambled, just the blocks are out of order. For example they give you DDDDD-EEEEE-AAAAA-CCCCC-BBBBB and the correct code is AAAA-BBBB-CCCC and etc. They only way to check to see if the order is right is by filling it in on a certain website.

Then you'll want the power set.

Check the coding challenges thread, I set a challenge to find the power set and there was a number of submissions, including my own solution.

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Ok thanks, I checked the thread and I'm gonna use the C++ one someone submitted

 int values[4] = { 2, 3, 5, 7 };
  set_type test_set(values, values+4);

I don't know much C++, so would this section be the only one I change

 int values[5] = { AAAAA, BBBBB, CCCCC, DDDDD, EEEEE };
  set_type test_set(values, values+5);

To something like this?

I did that but got error, it gives the blocks I enter as the undelcared identifier.

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