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Protecting youself on a school wireless network


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so i am going to be attending college in the fall, and i hav just recently begun to watch hak.5, i just finished watching episodes 3 and 4 and have come to realize how simple it is to attack someone and retrieve their information.

so my question is how should i go about protecting the two computers i will be taking to college, (a desktop and laptop that both hav wireless) from attacks.

the desktop runs XP, and the latop rund Xp Tablet Edition, and i do no own a wirless router, just a linksys pci adapter for the desktop and wireless built into the laptop.

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Setup a VPN server at your home, so if you have any sensative stuff that you would like to do you can connect to it and then all your traffic will be encypted and sent to your houses server where it will be forwarded on to the Internet to do whatever you wanted it to do.

Might not be practial for you to do that though, in which you could look at things like TOR, for safe browsing.

Getting yourself a good firewall is also a must, but blocking the IP range completely is likely to be impractical because firstly as this is a college they are likely to be using a larger range than a Class C network, and you will likely block all the servers that you will need access to, to gain access to the internet or your work etc.

If your not using your wireless then turn it off, thats a good method of just making sure that nothing is going on while your not paying attention.

If your desktop is going to be in your room all the time and using a wired connection to the college lan then you might want to consider getting yourself a cheap router which has an ethernet WAN port as this will over you excellent protection from incoming connection.

Can't think of anything else at the moment but thats bit of a list.

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cool, sorry for the n00bish question, but thanks!

something i noticed about these forums, people will usually be real nice and answer any question that you have as long as you D0n7 //R173 l13k 7|-|15 or ask for something like "so my friend forgot his hotmail and i need to help him, honest, not to crack"

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