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Jasager and airpwn????

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OK I'm a noob when it comes to linux, even though I have gone to classes for suse and run bt3 and mythtv.....

so digininja, darren and all, how hard would it be to run airpwn on my fon with jasager?

You wouldn't need to, airpwn sniffs other people wifi traffic and injects fake responses into the their stream, as you are already in the middle you can just intercept the real data as it passes through and replace it.

So the real question is probably how do I replace images, it depends on how you configure your network. All you need to do is to have one of the steps along the route monitor all traffic and drop in the new image when it sees an existing image go past. It is on my list of things to do to get packet sniffing and replacing working on the fon but it hasn't hit the top of the list yet.

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Digininja, thanks for the fast reply. I'm looking fwd to learning more of this so that I can become less of a script kiddie. :P and become someone more informed (guess I'm not really a script kiddie, I'd have to be a kid for that... OH well I'm screwed).

Seriously thanks and great work!!

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  • 7 months later...
You wouldn't need to, airpwn sniffs other people wifi traffic and injects fake responses into the their stream, as you are already in the middle you can just intercept the real data as it passes through and replace it.

So the real question is probably how do I replace images, it depends on how you configure your network. All you need to do is to have one of the steps along the route monitor all traffic and drop in the new image when it sees an existing image go past. It is on my list of things to do to get packet sniffing and replacing working on the fon but it hasn't hit the top of the list yet.

OK digging this up and dusting it off. Sorry its old and stuff but Darren talked about airpwn today in the latest podcast and I figured I would look to see if you made progress on well, first sniffing and then injecting (STUFF) sorta like airpwn?

Again thanks for your contributions to the scene.

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Digininja is right, since you're already in the middle it's just a matter of messing with the packets between jasager and your internet gateway.

Mubix showed me a demo of an app the other day similar to airpwn in that it allows for writing filters and rules to futz with packets, but it was on an application basis, not an interface basis.

I'm sure this exists, I just haven't gone looking for it yet. Will make a good segment when I figure it out. Depending on how complex it is it could be made into a jasager module. The example mubix showed me replaced all HTTP GET requests to HTTP GET /kitten.jpg so no matter where I browsed I was shown adorable kittens.

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What about something like this running on the fon?

Oh and maybe dsniff or simular to log plain text passwords displayed in the jasager web interface.

I know that ettercap will do these to things with filters and already logs plaintext but it would be great to have the fon do it. I might have a look at it when I find the time.

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The only problem with the upside down stuff is the CPU power needed to flip the images in a reasonable time.

dsniff should be possible, The raw interface is available and I could always build a new tab into the web interface to show results.

Anyone want to look at getting it working?

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I'm looking at the dsniff stuff right now, I didn't think I was going to be able to find time due to a nightmare client always on my back, but I have, I'm just flashing a fon now.

The upsideturnet stuff I was really refering to the replacement of images without using mogrify, so it would be very simular to renderman's infamous demos using airpwn.

BTW, the idea for capturing the first 2 parts of a handshake using jasager is an awesome one! I've been thing about how to modify the fon 2.0 to include internal storage and hook up a GPS reciver to it.


I can now confirm that dsniff and urlsnarf works great on openwrt, I'll carry on here.

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