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Mark Manching

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About Mark Manching

  • Birthday 12/25/1987

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    Cebu, Philippines

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  1. you're welcome. damm i'm reverting my main computer's hdd is pwned (plus new 500 gb hdd) and we're alive since january. lol @drop aw man... didn't changed your wallpaper since last year? again. added my first windows xp visual style from the scratch named Bettyfied (since 2008) ;)
  2. @shonen: thanks for lot here's the link on first post. added the my site's url watemark for the lulz
  3. The Wallpaper Here ;) Also. Keep the Credits too
  4. Oh my! Speaking of Apple's iPad another Legal BS from Fujitsu (in Japan) Like the iPhone by Cisco Systems Apple may face 'iPad' legal battle Tokyo, Japan (FT) -- Apple may face a legal battle with Fujitsu of Japan before it can it can use the 'iPad' name for its new tablet computer. Since 2002, Fujitsu has made a handheld computer called the iPad for use by shop assistants, and has an outstanding trademark application for the name. Fujitsu said it "is aware of Apple's iPad announcement and the possible infringement on our trademark". "We are currently discussing our options with our trademark counsel and have no further comment at this time," the company said. While trademark disputes rarely prevent the release of products or force a change of name, if Apple cannot overturn Fujitsu's application or demonstrate that the two products will not be confused, it may have to buy the rights from Fujitsu. In 2007, Apple reached a settlement in a similar dispute with Cisco Systems, which owned a prior 'iPhone' trademark. The Fujitsu iPad has a 3.5-inch screen, an Intel processor, a Microsoft operating system (Yes. it's Windows XP Tablet PC Edition ;) ) and supports both Wi-fi and Bluetooth wireless connections. It is designed to link shop assistants and managers to data on stock and sales. Fujitsu initially applied for an 'iPad' trademark in the US in March 2003 but its request was suspended because of an even earlier filing by a company called Mag-Tek, which wanted to use the same name for keypads used to enter personal identification numbers. At one point Fujitsu's application was listed as abandoned by the US Patent and Trademark Office but in June 2009 Fujitsu filed to revive it. That application is still outstanding. In July 2009, acting through a proxy, Apple first applied for the iPad trademark in Trinidad & Tobago, gaining it a 'priority date' to use in other international applications. In September, October and again in December 2009 Apple filed requests with the USPTO to give it more time to oppose the Fujitsu application. Apple now has until the February 28 to say whether it will oppose Fujitsu's trademark. Fujitsu's trademark lawyer, Edward Pennington of Hanify & King, told Bloomberg: "They probably need to talk to us and we haven't had any direct communications with Apple." He described Apple's position as "awkward". Fujitsu has only made a trademark application for 'iPad' in the US. There are several other owners of 'iPad' trademarks around the world, including Siemens, which has the right to use the term for engines and servo motors; and Coconut Grove Pads, which since 2008 has had the rights to the term for padded bras http://www.cnn.com/2010/BUSINESS/01/28/app...u.ft/index.html This is another IP Violated?
  5. Support Your Artists, Buy Original CDS/DVDs, Stop P2P and Also MySpace is Serious Business THIS IS MADNESS! - 300 Quote @Seshan if still imeem/MySpace Music Content and Our Account too.
  6. MySpace Music Acquires Shuttered Imeem Music Service MySpace Music, a joint venture between MySpace and the major labels, completed a deal to acquire “certain assets” of the popular social networking site Imeem on Tuesday. Imeem is now offline. Various reports claimed the deal was done over the weekend, but MySpace Music CEO Owen Van Natta announced that the two companies only finalized the deal today. So, what does MySpace Music have in store for imeem? According to Van Natta, MySpace Music plans to “leverage imeem’s industry leading technology” for starters, and “over time, meaningfully integrate their products into the MySpace Music experience.” The entire imeem service has been removed from the internet, and its smartphone applications no longer function. According to two sources with knowledge of the deal who asked not to be named, imeem’s full-track-playback licenses essentially expired as a result of its inability to keep up with licensing payments, which apparently combined with a lawsuit from The Orchard (more on that below) forced the site’s sale to MySpace Music and near-simultaneous closure. The imeem.com domain now redirects to MySpace Music, while links to some individual songs on imeem now redirect to their corresponding pages on MySpace’s recently-acquired iLike site (where, ironically, some of the songs come from MySpace competitor YouTube). Embedded imeem songs and playlists, including hundreds I have posted on Wired.com, no longer load at all. Imeem CEO Dalton Caldwell, CTO Bryan Berg, COO Ali Aydar and VP of Sales David Wade have signed on to MySpace Music as consultants to “help manage this transition,” including porting imeem playlists over to MySpace Music, which has its own licensing agreements. Of particular interest to MySpace Music — the ad-supported, on-demand music service not to be confused with MySpace’s band pages — are imeem’s 16 million worldwide users and its staff’s experience in building the first music service that allowed users to embed songs and playlists on third-party websites. MySpace Music also gets imeem’s SnoCap property — a large database of music, co-founded by Napster’s Shawn Fanning, that allows independent bands to sell music on imeem, MySpace and other sites through embeddable widgets. According to insiders, imeem, which was already struggling to cover its music licensing fees in a weak advertising market, was brought to its knees by a lawsuit from independent music consortium The Orchard that accused imeem of playing TVT Records’ music without the proper licensing. The lawsuit asked for the maximum penalty of $150,000 per infringed song; imeem apparently thought it had a case, but lacked the funds to pursue it. You were fun while you lasted, imeem, rest in peace — although it looks like you’ll rest in pieces instead. Fans now have one less licensed music source. From Wired See FAQ TL;DR MySpace $ucks or MixPod Instead ;)
  7. @sniper7kills and @Sparda Oh S#it... it's official my username is now our their list. my previous passwords are stored on their database. and hak.5 and other non hak.5 site are attaking some buch of idiots. so i changed my passwords also IMHO that some 1337 hax0rs want to steal their own personal infomation
  8. Former President Corazon Aquino, people power icon, passes away MANILA, Philippines - Former Philippine President Corazon Aquino, icon of people power in the Philippines and around the world, passed away at 3:18 a.m. Saturday, her son, Senator Benigno Aquino III, said. The official cause of death was cardiorespiratory arrest. The 76-year-old Aquino was diagnosed with colon cancer in March of last year and was treated with chemotherapy. Last May, she underwent surgery to remove parts of her colon and was brought to the Makati Medical Center in June due to loss of appetite. She never left the hospital, as her declining condition sparked a wave of emotion in the country and prompted the widespread appearance of yellow ribbons - on trees, car antennas, and even the Web. “She would have wanted us to thank each and everyone of you for all your continued love and support. It was her wish for all of us to pray for one another and for our country," Senator Aquino said. "Hinihiling ng aming pamilya ng kaunting panahon para makasama ang aming ina." He added that other details will be announced later in the day. Dressed in her signature yellow, Mrs. Aquino rallied the middle class in a series of protests culminating in the 1986 people power revolt that toppled the 20-year regime of strongman Ferdinand Marcos and swept her to the presidency. She blamed the Marcos government for the assassination of her husband, opposition leader Benigno “Ninoy" Aquino Jr., who was gunned down at the Manila airport upon returning from exile in 1983. The former housewife reluctantly took over as Marcos’ main challenger, becoming an international icon of democracy after her victory sparked a wave of pro-democracy movements around the world. Time Magazine named Mrs. Aquino its Woman of the Year in 1986. Tumultuous presidency Adopting a policy of national reconciliation, Mrs. Aquino freed more than 500 political prisoners, including some of the top leaders of the Communist Party of the Philippines, when she became president. She oversaw the writing of a new constitution through a commission that hammered out a new charter. The 1987 constitution replaced the Martial Law-era 1973 Constitution and restored democratic institutions such as free elections, the bicameral congress and an independent Supreme Court that were absent during Marcos’ rule. To prevent a reprise of Marcos’ one-man rule, the new charter set term limits on elected officials, including six years for the presidency. The economy started to recover from the slump when she assumed office, with the gross domestic product rising progressively and reaching 6.7 percent two years later. However, the contraction of the US economy in 1991, along with a series of coup attempts against her and 10-12 hours of blackouts during her last few years, crippled the Philippine economy. Critics have also claimed that she fell short of the promise of social and economic reforms, refusing to write off the country’s massive foreign debt which many of her supporters hoped would follow the ouster of Marcos. But supporters point out that Mrs. Aquino also pushed for labor-intensive projects and started the trend of setting targets for the reduction of poverty and unemployment in the country. Solita Collas Monsod, who served as Socioeconomic Planning Secretary during Mrs. Aquino’s term, said that although the former president was landed, one of her landmark programs was the passage of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP). The first three years of her administration were tumultuous, with restive soldiers and Marcos loyalists mounting a series of violent coup attempts against her. Mrs. Aquino survived all of them, holding office until 1992. She then campaigned for Fidel Ramos, a key figure in the People Power Revolution, whose presidential victory is widely credited to Aquino’s endorsement. In an article commemorating the 20th anniversary of the people power revolt on the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism website, Aquino was quoted as saying, “I don't know how they will judge [my presidency], but I just hope that they will realize that it was not an easy thing restoring democracy after a dictatorship. Also being the first woman president certainly had its problems and then we were dealing with a very strong military that were spoiled during the Marcos dictatorship." Influential figure After her presidency, Mrs. Aquino retired to private life. She took an active interest in painting, with flowers and women as subjects, and joined various art exhibits to raise funds for her advocacies: the Senator Benigno S. Aquino, Jr. Foundation, PinoyMe, ASA Foundation, and People Power People. But she remained an influential figure in Philippine politics, lending her presence to political causes that needed her iconic stature. In January 2001, she participated in the second EDSA Revolution that brought down the popularly elected President Joseph Estrada, who was accused of plunder, and installing his vice president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo into power. In 2005, Mrs. Aquino supported the group of cabinet secretaries that resigned in the wake of the “Hello Garci" wire-tapping scandal, and joined opposition figures in calling for the resignation of Arroyo over allegations of vote-rigging in the 2004 presidential elections. She remained active in social and political causes in recent years, publicly supporting Marine Col. Ariel Querubin during a stand-off at the Marine headquarters in 2006 and NBN-ZTE whistleblower Jun Lozada last year. Mrs. Aquino has expressed regrets for supporting EDSA II due to the controversies hounding the Arroyo administration, and apologized publicly to Estrada. In an interview last year for Newsmakers on GMA7, Mrs. Aquino said about her illness: “I used to think all of us have certain quotas for suffering and I felt I had filled up my quota, e hindi pala ganun e (it's not like that). "Of course who wants to get sick? But if that’s my fate, so be it... I don’t want to live for such a long time. Sabi ko nga, 75 na ako, tama na iyon (I have said, I'm 75, that's enough)." Original URL: http://www.gmanews.tv/story/168752/Former-...con-passes-away
  9. R.I.P. Former President Corazon Aquino (1933-2009) <-- for philippines
  10. Jesus F.. Christ, I'm changing the password again :o F*** Seaking! @USBHacker: you're right
  11. As of this morning, the online-only ad for Internet Explorer 8 called O.M.G.I.G.P. -- oh my God! I'm gonna puke--has been pulled from all Microsoft and third-party video Web sites--including the dedicated IE8 site, Browser for the Better. A few days ago Microsoft's IE8 ad campaign started making headlines with its four online only ads featuring former Superman Dean Cain. Two of the ads--F.O.M.S. and S.H.Y.N.E.S.S.--had been up since June 10, but the ad campaign only caught media attention earlier this week. The most outrageous spot was O.M.G.I.G.P., which depicted a woman who couldn't stop vomiting after inadvertently viewing hardcore pornography on her husband's computer. Dean Cain then walked into the scene and suggested this situation could have been avoided by using IE8's private browsing feature. So why did Microsoft pull the video spot? True, O.M.G.I.G.P. was a little on the disgusting side, but it was hardly controversial or subversive for the online world of 2009. Here's what a Microsoft spokesperson said via e-mail: "We make a point of listening to our customers. We created the OMGIGP video as a tongue-in-cheek look at the InPrivate Browsing feature of Internet Explorer 8, using the same irreverent humor that our customers told us they liked about other components of the Internet Explorer 8 marketing campaign. While much of the feedback to this particular piece of creative was positive, some of our customers found it offensive, so we have removed it." Behind the Ad The ads were developed by the Indiana-based advertising firm Bradley and Montgomery, and were directed by former Police Academy star and standup comedian Bobcat Goldthwait. Since his acting days, Goldthwait has turned to directing, including stints on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, The Man Show, and several of his own movie projects. The Internet Explorer ads were his first shot at commercials, and were created in consultation with the creative team at BAM, according to a Brandweek interview with Goldthwait. When I first discovered that Goldthwait directed the IE8 ads, I was amused but not particularly surprised. O.M.G.I.G.P. feels like the type of humor that would appeal to Goldthwait. Not necessarily because of the puking scene, but because of the honesty behind the suggestion that the private browsing feature found on many Web browsers is ideal for keeping your online porn habits a secret from other people who might share your computer. Private browsing temporarily stops your Web browser from recording your online history and erases any tracking cookies from your online session. User Outrage? Really? I'm surprised that Microsoft pulled the ad due to user outrage. Microsoft itself admitted that user reaction to the ad was fairly lighthearted, although some people said it was mildly disgusting. So where could the outrage over O.M.G.I.G.P. be coming from? Well, the online spots were also tied to a larger campaign on the 'Browser for the Better' Web site. Microsoft promised to donate eight meals to Feeding America--a domestic hunger charity--for every user download of IE8 that came from browserforthebetter.com. Is it possible the plug was pulled because there was negative reaction to associating a puking scene with a hunger charity? I asked Microsoft for further clarification, but they declined to comment on my theory. That doesn't mean I'm right mind you, but it's possible. Why do you think it was pulled? Source: http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/Story?id=8011946&page=1 More Ads Related to This S.H.Y.N.E.S.S. - (LOLCats Anyone?) G.R.I.P.E.S. - (Connection Problems) F.O.M.S. - (WebSlices) O M G I G P Internet Explorer 8 Puke Vomit Girl - (InPrivate Browsing Mode) -- Dunno It's Included the "Superman" :P but. you install firefox 3.5 instead ;)
  12. This is Another Unpersons Wallpaper :P
  13. @DarkBlueBox Jacko on L4D2? Some Animated MJ Flash on StickDeath
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