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Posts posted by Malachai

  1. Well I just bought mine today... Can't wait to get it. Other I read something about a kit that darren talked about... Does that come with this one or would we have to wait until Darren makes them?

    I"m just wondering wheather if I bought it too soon that it won't come with a kit.

  2. Before I start I looked on the forum and search. Does anyone know what kind of laptop Darren has? I know back in the days it was a laptop but now he is using a asus something. Model would be nice.

  3. thank you for explaing this to me. trust me I don't plan on stealing anything from anyone. I like my job and love computers. that's one of worse things to lose if you get caught doing something wrong. I do a lot of testing on my own network, so chaning the mac address is one of my things I do. that being said you could change the mac address on the pineapple correct?

  4. So if I'm understand this correct. You have to connect your laptop first to the ssid, then start up pineapple to start accepting connections?

    Now wouldn't the hotspot notice a lot of traffic coming from your mac address? that's other thing wouldn't the pinapple mac address be broadcasting and that would get you in trouble?

    I'm all about flying under the rador..

  5. Well my whole thing is when are they going to have the new ones come out. I really would like to buy one. At the moment i'm trying to read on it before I get it. that way i could undestand how it works. I'm a little confuse on one thing. After watching the videos of darren at the airport and stuff. I notice he has the pineapple connected to his laptop. I get that all the other laptop , and device will connect to the pineapple. But does your laptop have to be connected to the ssid to give those device who are connecting to the pineapple internet access?

    if you're playing the man in the middle I guess you would have to be running wireshark to catch all the urls and, passwds correct? it would be nice to have some videos once you get it, and how it works. I know when i bought the alfa card the dvd was the best thing to help me understand how it worked, and the examples Darren had.

    I been waiting to buy my first pineapple, but does anyone know when they might have them in stock again?

  6. -r is ok, however it makes it completely random and does not always produce a OUI which is credible. If you change your Mac your good, however I like to use the deception of it possibly being another hardware manufacturer first. Just a tip.

    It's true but if you're using it for a little while then it's good. Most Admin or other security people won't check the mac until it's to late. Just a thought....

  7. Or better yet use:

    macchanger -A (interface)

    Which will give you a mac address that follows those specifications and looks like its from a specific company using their oui...

    I always use the macchanger -r (interface) works for me.

    just remember to bring down the wlan0/or wlan1

    and mon0 if your using it. then change your mac address.

  8. No cons whatsoever! Higher the better. 12dBi should be plenty. If you go with one of the external mounts, just keep in mind the signal degrades over the length of the line, so use high quality wire and keep it as short as possible.


    Well I was going to use a short usb cable that came with it. Do you think that would be good enough? I was planning to use it in the house and down the road in the car.

  9. Both are excellent choices when on a budget (I am as well). When you're ready to upgrade to the big leagues, and don't mind your car getting some funny looks, I know a guy who has one of these mounted outside his car for even better reception. http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=12+dbi+gain+omni&hl=en&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS436US436&prmd=imvns&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=14723059388463375015&sa=X&ei=DjTzTuGqGcPg0QGM49CsAg&ved=0CGwQ8wIwAA

    good luck on your drive!


    Well thanks again for making me understand and learning something new. I notice that they have different dBi on them. Would you recomend the higher the better? Plus is there any cons on going higher?

  10. Biggest thing with antennas is to match up the mhz/ghz to what you're doing with them. 2.4ghz is b/g wifi and is probably what you're looking for.

    With any RF signal, the most important aspects in regards to range is transmit power and receive sensitivity. I'm assuming you're trying to sniff some packets on an open wifi hotspot, so Tx (transmit) power is out of your control. The Rx (receive) sensitivity is measured in dBm - every 6 dBm doubles your range in an open enviroment, every 12 dBm doubles your range in indoor/urban enviroments. Theres two main types of antennas - omni directional and Yagi. Omni's are great for war driving, as they work 360 degrees around the antenna - so driving down a street, you'll pickup wifi hotspots on both sides of the road. Think of Yagi antennas as a focused beam, not unlike a laser. They shoot out in whatever direction you point them in very well, and do very poorly for omni directional stuff. The other big thing to consider is crap in the way. What I mean by this is, the higher the frequency (2.4ghz is the frequency of most wifi and is quite high - 5ghz wifi is worse) the more the signal is going to be degraded by studs, sheetrock, concrete, metal, doors, any physical barrier really. So removing as many obstacles in your way as possible will greatly help your cause. Hope this helps!


    Thank you very much for helping me understand all this stuff. Thanks @Vodmya for the link. I was able to find one I think is good but I would need your advice to make sure I'm getting a good one. From reading your post I think I am based on how much ghz is has. If you could look at it and see if its good. I plan on war driving later on down the road but for now I'm working at home understand all this and seeing how my neighberhood has there network hahahah

    Here's what I think might be good.


    or what about this one.


  11. does any one know how to find/hack the user name and passwords of the user accounts in a network

    The best way to find out a password is open a dos prompt and do ping if it comes back then you could do format c: *.* at the prompt. Good Luck!

  12. i used the darkc0de but it did not crack the WPA . my cousin does not know anything about WPA , he just challenged me to crack his WPA which it was set by a internet service provider worker because he set up the router at the same day he got the internet , so he did not create or CHOSE the password himself , he just challenged me to see how much i can do and have learned since i told him i accomplished cracking WEP . - what im planning to do now is go google some torrent world lists and try them out.

    1 question that i have is that in some previous world-lists i have seen multiple files.txt WPA.txt WPA2.txt wpa-final.txt , i thought the worldliest was only one file.lst

    . anyway thanks for the support and i apologize for disrespecting some members of this forum on the previous posts

    REALLY!!!! internet service worker... I would have tried his home address, phone , ect...

  13. I had a guy sent to me by referral to try and recover his data for the past 8 years from his desktop.

    I guess his nephew was using it and I guess it was having problems and told him to do a system recovery on it from the recovery partition.

    I told the guy I probably will not be able to recover anything on it with the tools at my disposal but I would give it a try.

    I ended up finding a few pictures in web cache from porn sites, other than that is was a basically clean install.

    When I called him to pickup his machine and told him that it would be $50 he kind of gave me a weird look like he was pissed he had to pay but got none of his data.

    Obviously he had no concept of how much data recovery costs and how great of a deal he got. Given if data recovery companies don't find anything they don't charge, but this is side work for me so yeah I wanted something for my time and knowledge.

    Funny part was that I told him I found some adult content on the drive and that if I would have found anything illegal (child pornography) I would have been obligated to report him to the authorities.

    He tried to blame it on his nephew and his friend visiting is what caused the porn to get on there.

    I was wondering what recovery data tools did you use? Any time I had to fix someone computer I would do a backup restore. I havent had a chance to really use software to restore files or anything like that. It would be good to learn some of tools that are good to recover data after the drive stops working or has been formated.

  14. Look Josh I have just started myself to learn about this whole rainbow table, dict file and stuff. I just started to install bk5 on a usb and in virutal box. So far it took me some time but I read up on it.

    The worse part I spent 3 days trying to crack my own network,and failed. Why you ask well maybe because I was running wep on the router and all this time I was using the wpa/wpa2 cracks. Felt stupid but that's how you learn. Look for videos, and sites that talk about dict files.

    I know the the file you downloaded because I just finished last night getting it. I had to do a search on how to extract it, but since you said there are many different files that means to me there are different files for different wifi routers.

    Like everyone on this forum they are here to help to a certain point. You have to learn the stuff yourself. JUST READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just remember if you go to bed thinking about it and dreaming about it then you are learning... lol...

  15. You're missing the point completely. You create your own table. You use your own dictionary file, or use the one from the chruch of wifi, it's a pretty good one.

    So for your aaa_home ssid you'd run,

    ./genpmk  -f  /path/to/your/dictionary/file  -d aaa_home -s aaa_home

    Let that grind away for a while, probably a couple hours depending on the dict file size and the speed of your computer. When it's done you'll have a new rainbow table made just for aaa_home.

    Then to try out your newly created file set your aaa_home access point to have a passphrase that is in your dictionary file, then fire up airplay to get your four way handshake, then run it against the table.

    ./cowpatty  -r  wpa-test-01.cap  -d  aaa_home  -s aaa_home

    This is perfect!!! Just what I was looking for. How to create the table and test it out. Now I have to find me a very large dict file to download and create the passwords.

    How big can a table be? is there a max on creating the table?

  16. when i bought my alfa last year it came with a 5dbi and a 9dbi antenna.

    same antenna that came with my alfa.


    i've been using the 9dbi one and it does a good job picking up signals i wouldn't otherwise see.

    Thank you so much for the link. I will have to check it out. The higher the dbi is better range it will get ? is that how it works?

    Would this one work fine or should I go with the one you posted?


  17. Hello All,

    I have to say that I bought the ALFA USB WiFi AWUS036H a few weeks ago and just love it. The DVD came in handy a lot since I wanted to learn how wifi things work. After watching the DVD over and over. I notice Darren talked about getting a larger Antenna for the usb wifi adapter. Does anyone know where I could find this at? I looked around but couldn't find the right size plus I went to radio shack and bestbuy.


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