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Everything posted by Dids

  1. Just tried RCSwitch, but it tries to send short and long pulses instead (like all other OOK stuff I've seen), my remote doesn't seem to do short & long pulses at all, but does this matter? It also doesn't seem to support sending a preamble?
  2. Well that sure makes sense, now that I have something to compare it to! I hadn't realized how OOK actually worked, or even that it was in fact OOK, so I had no idea how to calculate the bits. It makes perfect sense now, and I can easily calculate all the signals by hand this way. Thanks Josef, you've been an absolutely huge help! I have pretty much those exact transmitters (got them from DealExtreme), so I should be good to go! Thanks again. :)
  3. I recently installed a very powerful LED based lighting solution to my office, but unfortunately it can only be controlled with a proprietary remote controller. As I've understood it, each remote and receiver are "paired" at the factory (no idea what kind of pairing technique they're using), and as far as I know they use one-way communication at 433 MHz (remote -> receiver). I've bought a SDR USB dongle which allowed me to accurately record the key presses, and it's relatively easy to see the signals. But since I'm very new to the world of SDR, I have no idea how to decode the signal, so I can replicate it on an Arduino or a Raspberry Pi, then use a 433 MHz transmitter (I have several transmitter boards) to send the replicated signal, to for example turn the lighting on or off. From all the guides and resources I've been researching, they all talk about OOK modulation, but my recorded data looks nothing like the ones I've seen online. I'm fairly sure it's not using OOK modulation, but then again, I know next to nothing about SDR or radio signals. Below is a link to a sample recording of a single recorded signal. I'm hoping that some of you who are more familiar with SDR could help me with this. Once I know how to decode or replicate one signal, I should be able to continue with the rest of them. Sample Recording (.wav): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/480/SDR_Sample.wav I've gathered the following information from these signals: - Bit rate is 40 nanoseconds - Preamble is 180 bits (90 highs and 90 lows) - Frequency is at around 433,895 MHz
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