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Everything posted by Dids

  1. @KittenKaboomi Pfft, not available in Europe.

  2. @skydart Couple moves to a bigger house Boyfriend realizes Roomba’s crap in a bigger house Boyfriend sells Roomba and buys a vacuum cleaner

  3. RT @icculus: Anyhow, SDL works out of the box on @nextthingco's Pocket C.H.I.P. https://t.co/BrO6QAKl98

  4. RT @PolymailApp: @Dids Thanks for being patient with us, Pauli! Check your inbox! ??

  5. @Nardeus1980 @garrynewman Ah, hmm, sounds very similar in that case.

  6. @Cheshyr Yeah, and to be honest, my expectations were really low. Glad I was wrong. :)

  7. @rusthackreport Come on guys, fix this parsing error. :(

  8. @ErrnieGerrn Time to subscribe to Crashplan. It’s painless to setup, and potentially saves you tons. :)

  9. @CommitStrip Then there’s the fact that browsers cache content, especially images. :P

  10. @HotPepperGaming Guys, you messed up the link

  11. @lukeacl Same. I just love to write separate "stack files" for each project, then deploy wherever, and it'll always just work. :)

  12. @brOrayn So he only speaks one language, but could translate a book in a day? Using what, Google?

  13. RT @CharlesFinch: This kid who created macros for "no" on his parents' phones will never not make me die laughing https://t.co/TOv2gvSPDr

  14. RT @Pandamoanimum: So this is what happens when people use a face swap app when vaping. https://t.co/FwRfHs7H8h

  15. It was palju night tonight. https://t.co/5dSHWwc5H8

  16. I wonder why Youtube hasn’t implemented a facecam feature? You know, picture-in-picture that you can toggle, separate upload etc.

  17. RT @jakerobinson: idea: a Jenkins plug-in called Leroy that deploys to prod without any tests

  18. RT @ZAMofficial: Vaping Congressman accused of using campaign funds on $1300 worth of Steam games https://t.co/3Nbby4EkGJ https://t.co/ATVx…

  19. It’s funny how people still refer to Unity as Unity 3D, as it was never the product name, it just happened to be an available domain, afaik.

  20. I should've watched the episode first. I'm guessing my data has padding, which is why there are no continuous 1's.
  21. Err, I guess OOK is a type of ASK modulation, according to wikipedia. Still doesn't explain why 99% of the articles I've found have short/long pulses instead of silence/pulse (0/1).
  22. Since my recordings don't have short and long pulses, I'm assuming I'm actually dealing with ASK modulation. There's a ton of things that are hard to figure out, including timing (mostly due to Audacity and microseconds). With this information, I'm fairly sure my preamble calculations are wrong, as I'm assuming I'll need to find a way to chop the recordings into equally sized bits (ie. length of one bit, or the bit rate), so I can clearly calculate the preamble length, silence length (or just instead X number of 0's there) and then figure out a way to send this data with more or less the same timing as with the recording. I'm not using a hackRF, as I'm creating a small embedded device with built-in wifi.
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