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Everything posted by Dids

  1. RT @Cheemzes: 2010: Wow this Julian Assange guy is gonna change the world! 2017: https://t.co/MUH9CBL90B

  2. @orangepascal Whoa, congrats! Well deserved. :)

  3. Totally not just a lucky shot. #BreathoftheWild #NintendoSwitch https://t.co/3u73NRDZMb

  4. @aakoo @discordapp This, a million times this!

  5. RT @LAPDHQ: For some it might just be a cat. But to others it’s a friend, a loved one, a companion. The #LAPD has a motto, “To Protect and…

  6. RT @mishacollins: Hey @realDonaldTrump, looks like you got the attention of Britain’s parliament. Nice work! https://t.co/AeSNl7u10d

  7. @bcrypt Luckily it’s fixed now, as long as you update.

  8. RT @mitsurutenma: our love story in four pictures https://t.co/5qtH00JYUL

  9. Oh the weather outside is weather.

  10. @Cheshyr I recently switched to the new MX Ergo from Logitech, and while it’s q trackball, the 20 degree angle feel… https://t.co/FwQl9u9AZl

  11. @lorellaronconi @EnricoLetta @moveabilityblog @ottovanz @enzobianchi7 @s_piumarta @Simona_Riccio @WebMarketingFI… https://t.co/zFDk4OVLeH

  12. RT @kethera: RT if you'd end a date if they said they voted trump https://t.co/rKoDtgYCe3

  13. RT @ChristinaCoffin: ride like the wind #unity3d #gamedev https://t.co/xjJVYyrGEH

  14. Cracking all the T1 locks in mere milliseconds, feels good man! #hackmud

  15. Just tried @hackmudgame for the first time. Absolutely in love with it, especially how it cleverly wraps itself around JSON.

  16. RT @_youhadonejob1: You're welcome. https://t.co/C6uRt98PWR

  17. @JayzTwoCents @coconutmnky @briansnosense ”I’m not wearing any pants.”

  18. @tonycoculuzzi Damn, I had no idea you’ve worked on Cuphead, huge congrats! That thing’s a masterpiece.

  19. @nickgravelyn I'm definitely thinking about adding full offline support, but not sure about pinning/starring/read l… https://t.co/5iYS1oOeEx

  20. @alsmiffy I’ve been doing that with Siri for quite awhile, eg. ”Hey Siri, set office lights to 50%”.

  21. RT @_youhadonejob1: Cool sidewalk. https://t.co/LcWSBscXLC

  22. RT @McFunkypants: pretty much all the math you'll ever need for #gamedev https://t.co/bM6e87lyCY

  23. @6b766e @photonstorm Ironically the latest version loads in mere seconds, even for larger projects.

  24. iOS 11, not to mention ARKit, is amazing.

  25. @zeit_status S3 us-east-1, I'm assuming?

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