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  1. Thanks a lot for the response. The new product seems great, both in looks, usability and performance. I have one question though, which is the same as the one other users said: will it be capable of bypassing HSTS? Will it be able to run SSL Strip+ and DNS2Proxy? Thanks!
  2. Hi, I know I'm new to the forum and I haven't contributed anything (yet), but I wanted to express my thoughts here anyways; even though I'm new, I have been following this Pineapple out of stock threads in a almost daily basis for almost 3 months now and I haven't seen any concrete response nor any real (reliable) updates, which is a shame. I know there are a lot of active users, registered members and most likely, like me, anonymous viewers that are waiting for an update on the tool for some time now with no luck. Since the first time I arrived here I was willing to buy the Pineapple, which wasn't possible due to stock, so I contacted the support team in order to understand when it would be... and just like here, they gave me a date... end of October... and a waited,,and waited... with no luck. Since then and from what I've seen in the forum, Hak5 moderators had been systematically building a lot of expectation but with no real commitment on following it up. Due to this, I ended up buying an overprice product on eBay, for which I don't regret since it's still a great piece of hardware and great source to learn, even though, as I later realized: most of it's best features don't work anymore... so I do not recommend it as it doesn't work for what is mostly advertised for. Anyways, to make my point: this is still a commercial product, with (wanting o not) a brand behind it and because of this there's an inherent responsibility to their prospect or customer base.... but this doesn't seem to matter, since, for any value this product one time had now it completely lacks of any other promise, brand and (real) professionalism. I'm very disappointed at how this is being handled and this make me lose faith on whatever come next. I know adept followers might think that my comment is biased due to lack of patience, but let me say is not, I have been observing this whole show for 3 month's now... and just now, with a Mark V in had for 6 weeks now, I decided to post this. This is post is merely due to false expectations. Bye,
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